
That’s the worst part of it. These fucking liars cast doubt on all the real stories. It’s almost too late, really. Once you hear a few fake stories, you’re going to call “Chicken Little” on many of the others.

Oh thank God I thought we’d gotten all the mileage we could out of the “crazy ex-girlfriend” archetype it truly is the gift that keeps on giving.

Well, 2016 did get a few things right: Antonin Scalia, Nancy Reagan, Phyllis Schlafly, and the Chick tracts maniac.

2016 gotta 2016.

Because the average person is a dumbass who wants to be splashed and clap and drool while some moron stands on a whale’s face for their entertainment. Cetaceans also have personality, which goes along way with the average dumbshit.

Right? I’m sick of hearing “Don’t call your aunts and uncles racist, that’s rude. Try to be the bigger person.” I don’t actually really want to rock the boat, because we’re family and I love them, but you know what? They are racist. They ignore facts that don’t fit their narrative. They lack empathy for people who

THIS. I’m so tired of being told to be the better person. Especially to shitty people who don’t fucking deserve to see me at my best. Maybe that makes me elitist or whatever, but yeah, we’re not supposed to be tolerant of intolerance or be polite about it.

Unfortunately, they’re between a rock and a hard place. If they’re diplomatic, they’re accused of either being “elite” or “out of touch.” If they get more (deservedly) abrasive, they’re accused of whining. And I get their frustration; how much do you have to give and be civilized to a-holes who refuse to even come to

From a game theory perspective it may be better to sit back and let him implode. As the saying goes,” just because you shot jesse james don’t make you jesse james.”

I was in a mood last weekend and was saying some horrible shit about Republicans in general, and also some bitchy stuff about my family members who voted for him, and my mom tried to pull that “When they go low, we go high” on me.

That’s the honorable thing to do, and I love Michelle Obama, but screw that. That got us

And there’s a reason why they aren’t. “Cry-baby liberals. Can’t handle the fact that they lost the election. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” That’s pretty much all I see in the comment section of stories and several groups. Oh, and the racist and sexist comments never stop as well.

Anyone else deeply disappointed by the lack of outcry from POTUS or Clinton? I get the “high road” argument, but I can’t fathom Trump’s administration being more destructive with its cabinet nominees, foreign policy moves, etc. Surely POTUS or Clinton could align themselves with the Republicans speaking out about the

Sure, just increase our wages with the cost of living, stop degree inflation, reduce educational costs, and we’ll have plenty of money to buy your diamonds. Or, you can support trickle-down economics and you’ll have to get the boomers to spend enough for all of us.

Cannon, one of the hardest-working renaissance men of his generation

I think someone decided that Millennials need to feel something is “authentic” before they’re willing to buy in. These people have “authentic” relationships and that’s why they have diamonds (so we’ve been told).
Their love is “authentic” so they sealed it with a “rare” stone.
I don’t think the marketing team here

Sorry, melinials are too busy buying food and paying off predatory college loans to buy your shiny rocks.

I bought my own diamond ring and it had nothing to do with love and everything to do with my own vanity. My husband hates that I bought it myself but he wasn’t stepping up and I waaaanted one. So there.

I only download if I can’t watch it on Amazon, Netflix or Hulu. Content creators should make sure it is available on a popular platform.

Doesn’t matter he wants to play that game, he was there everyday to play the same thing everyday.