Maybe. Myself, I think Don the Con was going to win those unlikely states by about 1% no matter what voters actually did.
Maybe. Myself, I think Don the Con was going to win those unlikely states by about 1% no matter what voters actually did.
It’s maddening
I hate people so fucking much.
F that. Some people aren’t worth being in this world. Why keep this piece of filth alive?
So, can we state that men lie more about rape than women do? I think so.
This? This? This is when a man finally decides to believe in rape? Not when we tell him, not when we press charges or testify or are emotionally broken. No, only when it’s actually a made up fucking excuse to justify murder. Seriously men, sometimes it boggles me that any women are straight, overall, you aren’t…
the most unbelievable part of the whole story is that this hayseed fucknut uttered the word “nefarious”
Fuck him and his willfull stupidity. I hope he is jailed with Tossed Salad Guy [see Chris Rock].
nope. this fucknut deserves not a single iota of your pity.
Yeah, the claim among the true believers is that it was a false flag attack to discredit the accusations by making them look like crazy, violent idiots.
So over the past couple of days I’ve been visiting Infowars and I gotta tell you something.....we’re surrounded by some seriously fucked in the head fellow citizens.
Ok so this is not related to this dirt bag in anyway but I had a peak 2016 moment today and I need to tell someone about it.
Some of the suburban housewives that I am on occasion required to hang with go on about the 50 Shades shit (both book and movie) like it’s the most naughty, forbidden thing ever. I usually end up trying to change the subject because a) they’re absolutely terribly written and I just can’t, b) the leads in the move are…
Looking forward to seeing how this ties in to the new Universal Monster Universe.
I’m more concerned about the sweaters and how Ugly Christmas Sweaters have officially been ruined. Ugly Christmas sweater goodness has COMPLETELY lost its appeal now that you can buy “ugly sweaters” in just about any store.
Saw the tallies this morning. She was 50% to his 30%. So. Kinda like the real world. Thanks, Time, for being so on the nose!
The fact that the comparison is a) so obvious and b) the stretch we have to make to find even cold comfort because everything else in the article is typical hedge-your-bets fair-and-balanced lets-pretend-this-pile-of-shit-might-be-ice-cream mainstream media glurge that refuses to call out the obvious problem of the…
I voted in this and last Friday Hillary Clinton was leading at 40% to Donald’s 19%. So once again the people vote overwhelmingly for Hillary and they give it to Drumpf.