Just so you know I will personally kill and eat the first person to #notallmen you.
Just so you know I will personally kill and eat the first person to #notallmen you.
It sounds like a Trump supporter’s view of the Constitution. It protects them in all ways they want, but those inconvenient parts aren’t really important.
stay stupid.
This is men. No where in his pissbaby rant did he mention consent. “Do you think it’s wrong to send people pictures of yourself?” Yeah, if they haven’t asked for them. “Are porn stars creepy” No, they consented to those videos being distributed to the public. And the public isn’t being forced to watch them. The…
He’s actually not a bad looking guy, but yeah, the posting pics of an ex, that’s a deal breaker.
But but butbutbut doesn’t he WANT those “millions of illegal voters” exposed? Is he going to let all that “widespread voter fraud” go undiscovered and unpunished? I thought he said we have a fraud problem— therefore, the only thing to do is recount the votes!
For a second I thought Jezebel had decided to commit suicide. That’s the Age of Thiel for you.
My partner is convinced that all his claims of rigged elections during the campaign were a ruse to get Hillary Clinton to agree to accept the results, because he knew that the election was being rigged in his own favor somehow.
But but butbutbut doesn’t he WANT those “millions of illegal voters” exposed? Is he going to let all that “widespread voter fraud” go undiscovered and unpunished? I thought he said we have a fraud problem— therefore, the only thing to do is recount the votes!
Hey you guys how about this idea for a fish-out-of-water movie about empowerment of women?? Please tell me what you think:
The Satanic Temple doesn’t do much actual devil-worship, so far as I know. Follow this link for more about what they actually believe.
The issue here is standing. I have a feeling that he would be more than happy to challenge it before a member of his church gets denied the exemption, but he knows that it would be immediately thrown out because he wouldn’t have standing since he can’t file anything on behalf of a non-member. He *has* to wait for a…
That feeling when a ressurected Jesus Christ would get along better with Satanists than a good 95 percent of his own flock.
Who’d have guessed that Satanists would emerge as relentlessly sensible gadflies who take the wingnuts’ own devices and funhouse-mirror them right back at them in ways they really, really don’t like?
It’s kind of important to remember that there’s nothing inherently zero-sum or dog-eat-dog about capitalism. One of the reasons why I like reading Adam Smith is because the guy was so darn ebullient about how collaborative his idea was. Sure, we can all sit on our little plots of land, and never come off it, and build…
Scaramucci, Scaramucci will you do the fandango?
We of the Jezebel death squad are amused. You may proceed.
It’s based on true events and set in 1969. That’s pretty much what happened. You can dislike that, but to dismiss it out of hand is ridiculous. It was a good show and really relevant still, unfortunately.
To anyone thinking about going to the gym after reading this article, but you’re afraid of what others will think of you, just remember, you may be the fattest most out of shape person in the building, but you’re much better off than all the people sitting at home!