No, fuck Ulta.
No, fuck Ulta.
The only thing I can say is get your PTSD treated as soon as possible and the loss of a family member can definitely cause PTSD. If you don’t like your therapist, where the sessions are going (like if they’re deviating from the actual trauma) and/or you’re not seeing any progress after several months then find a new…
Why is everyone so wrong today?
You are in fact the one who is wrong, since “Reindeer Are Better Than People” is objectively the best song in Frozen.
Why not have the sperm donor pay for the costs of the burial/cremation? Why not require the father to be physically present at the burial/cremation and mandatory jail time imposed if they are absent? Let’s keep these totally reasonable laws gender inclusive. Certainly fathers have rights in this scenario too and are…
I’ve often wondered why national groups and corporations are happy to punish states economically for pooping on gay people or transgendered people, but don’t seem to be interested in doing this for women.
Don’t forget driving hundreds of miles to the closest gun shop—because there are none in your area—and having to hear a speech written by anti-gun groups to dissuade you from buying a gun. You would be forced to look at the bodies of gunshot victims or sign a paper insisting you didn’t want to see them. Imagine gun…
Imagine if you had to do shit like this to buy a gun. Imagine if you had to run a gauntlet of people screaming at you and throwing bloody doll parts at you and telling you that you were a murderer every time you went in a gun shop. Imagine if you had to bury a ceremonial coffin at your expense for the theoretical…
Really? You think voting a sexual predator into the highest office of the most powerful country in the world is less horrible than the things done to women in other countries? You think these two things aren’t kinda sorta connected and in fact one and the same type of problem?
Just sitting in the sewer, waiting for somebody to rescue us now...
Mayhap this baby will eventually be the one who saves us from the wreckage of a trump presidency and someone from the future came back in time to save her!
I am SO glad that baby was ok but goddamn I’d throw every ticket in the book at those parents. PROPERLY RESTRAIN YOUR CHILDREN!!! (And remember no puffy winter coats in the car seat! Use them like a blanket over the child once they’re already strapped in!)
and that baby’s name was America.
This story of the baby not buckled who suvives the car crash is the most 2016 thing of 2016.
Advocates of a ban say that relationships between a lawyer and client is inherently unequal, making any sex potentially coercive.
Next step : “not voting for me is illegal”
“People who voted illegally” = anyone who didn’t vote for me.
Or this medicine business be some hard shit?
Lauren, I understand that there will be a Million Women March on Inauguration Day.