
McDonald’s is Eugenics? Public school are eugenics? Words do not have a meaning anymore, I’d like fish in my coffee, hat!

Math errors, eh? Is that what we’re calling Russia interfering with our electoral process these days?

Most likely Trump will be sworn in as president, but that doesn’t mean that the rest of the country is just going to sit back and take whatever he dishes out. We are now the opposition party. We are now the resistance. We have an opportunity to come back as a stronger better and more effective democratic party.

I’m 99% atheist unless I’m mid scratch on a lottery ticket but I swear I am praying to every god I can google to make the miracle of a Jill Stein vote challenge happen and a Putin the Poisoner hack discovered. Glory be to the father the son and the holy recount amen.

This isn’t about the Revival since I’ve only watched the Winter episode but I just recently binged all 7 seasons last week and have very strong opinions I need to share (no friends watch GG). These are all so dramatically different than my original thoughts when I’ve watched this show in the past.

Also, vaginal trauma used to be determined by if the hymen was not intact. A terribly inaccurate and dated idea that only sexual contact breaks a hymen.

First, castration is cutting off balls, not his dick. Second, abused women think about doing this but don’t. It’s very rare.

According to her testimony (which the jury clearly believed), he raped her. If you’re looking for a logical connection between his actions and her reaction, here goes: she cut off his penis so he wouldn’t be able to rape her with it anymore.

Hehe, it’s spelled “alfalfa.” :P

Yea I totally get it. My concern is that this election has shown that “deeper inquiry” is not happening.

That’s what my fear is. There are so many inaccuracies in just those two minutes. 1) Aaron Burr attended Princeton College (then the College of New Jersey) at the age of 13 and graduated in 3 years, not 2. 2) Hamilton did not apply to Queens College (today Rutgers University). The legend (as part of the Cannon

And in this clip, Lin-Manuel seems stone, cold sober, just telling a story. Not funny. *Sigh*

The show is good, but it used to be a lot funnier before everyone kinda caught on that certain things they said or did would be funny for the actors to mouth. It worked best in the early years when no one really knew what was going on but they were just seriously blasted and said a lot of slurry, off-the-cuff stuff.

This is obviously going to be freakin’ awesome no matter what, but based on the clip, I must admit I am disappointed in Lin’s level of drunkenness. When you know the story like the back of your hand, you gotta get totally wasted to balance out your high level of competency. Luckily, this appears to be pretty close to

Just remember that MOST voters voted for your rights and for unity and inclusion and tolerance and love! MOST of us voted for respect for all! These haters have always been with us, unfortunately. It just took a nazi authoritarian to rouse them to vote in a bloc! We didn’t know and now we do. I share your nightly

Seriously. I get that this will most likely make me a hypocrite, but the alternative is too fucking horrifying.

What a gigantic clusterfuck this entire election has turned out to be. I don’t know how I got caught in this parallel dystopian universe but I’d like to get off now, thanks.