Also, anyone making excuses for this kind of behavior with pets: FUCK you.
Also, anyone making excuses for this kind of behavior with pets: FUCK you.
Up until reading this post I was all #couplegoals about these two. But ffffuuuuuccckkkk them. I understand rehoming a pet if you really can’t cope with their care but this is fucking ridiculous. Living animals that depend on you for their wants and needs are not dispensable when a “better” living thing comes along.…
Yeah, why anyone would trust them with a dog after the callous way they dealt with their cat, is beyond me. Can’t stand them. And they’re not even funny. I don’t get the appeal.
Why the fuck did they get a dog if they couldn’t even handle a cat? Ugh. This is awful.
Yes. Pets are not “starter kids” to be disposed of when you have an actual kid.
That poor puppy! He looks so emaciated and terrified in the photo. Disgusting! People like this should be banned from ever owning a pet. This is going to seriously diminish my enjoyment of re-watching “Just Friends” every Christmas...
Well, I called for a mental health wellness check when my neighbor started doing things like screaming Bon Jovi lyrics in the street in the middle of the night and chopping up his front porch with an ax. Your mileage may vary, but that was my experience.
The only reason people dont think jennifer is a good actor is because she’s a woman.
I loved her in Winter’s Bone.
When people say they decided to give away a pet because they’re having a baby and the pet will now be too much work I always want to respond, “Right, that’s exactly why I gave away my toddler when we found out we were pregnant again”
“If you are a parent you will understand that my wife and I are too irresponsible and lazy to scoop our cat’s litterbox, and we don’t care enough to pay someone to do it for us. We actually don’t regard the cat as something that needs our care to survive. Sorry.”
If you have has a cat for 15 years you will probably have already contracted toxoplasmosis if it is likely. Precautions can be taken when attempting or during pregnancy. But these people do not sound like responsible pet parents.
If your cat shits all over the house it is usually your own damn fault or it is indicative of a health problem. I have has a crap day and I should just log off now as this is going to send me right over the edge. Plus I need to go clean the litter box.
I don’t think they abandoned the dog, but they sound like super shitty pet owners when you combine this plus giving away the elderly cat on twitter. It sounds like it was lost and they never bothered to check in with the micro-chip company, etc.
Fuck them. I had a cat with chronic UTI’s. She pissed everywhere in our house. She pissed on the curtains, carpet, bedspreads, and couches. She finally died of kidney disease, at the age of 7. We had $20k worth of damage. She was the sweetest teeny and the runt of the litter. She was only 6 pounds…
The also have shit more resources than the average person does. So not cool.
Here is his blog post on it:
And now I can’t like Anna Faris and Chris Pratt ever again. People who abandon pets are the scum of the earth.
Anna Faris & Chris Pratt also gave their 15-year-old cat away on Twitter like it was a used sofa. They are not good with pets, and rumor has it (from one of you on here lol) that they are Trump supporters. Oh yeah, and Chris Pratt hunts.
- quietly crosses Anna Faris off her “I’d switch” list -