
Eh, this is what I’ve come to expect from games journalists these days. I mean, perish the thought that someone calls out Russia’s war crimes without the old “But-but-but what about what the US has done in the past?”

Do you consider the BLM protesters blocking interstate traffic to also be terrorists?

Take it up with Trudeau who can fix his suppression of civil rights with one signature

No routes are impassible try again 

Police and political leaders seem powerless to do anything about the protesters (or maybe they’re just supporters)...

And the people who reported that anything was wrong in China have been packed off to delightful re-education centers, where they will learn not to be so disparaging

cryptocurrency and NFTs are a scam.

It’s refreshing to see that Japanese gamers are just as ignorant and out of touch as Western gamers.

I don’t think some of these people know how the game works. “Lock out foreign players” is a real head-scratcher since there’s data centers in North America and Europe, as well as Japan. Who exactly is the foreigner here?

Literally this. Fuck the FBI, fuck ‘Raymond Dingberry Duda’, Fuck Corporate greed. There wouldn’t be any problem with team xecutor or hell there wouldnt be any piracy at all in their builds if not for capitalism snuffing out the needs of the many for the needs of the few. Among the worst of ‘isms’. People should pop

You’re aggressively coerced into doing so under threat of homelessness and starvation. You sign away your access to it in the same way that you sign away access to your wallet to a mugger. These are not voluntary transactions. 


The thing is that it doesn’t really matter whether these people were assholes, or whether they were the kindest people in the world. What matters is whether it should be illegal to sell circumvention devices. To me, it is very clear that it should *not* be illegal, regardless of whether or not the primary purpose of

“Imagine if something you invented was stolen from you and then marketed and sold to customers around the world.”

“Imagine if something you invented was stolen from you and then marketed and sold to customers around the world”

This literally describes how companies currently work lmfao. 

I’ve bee modding consoles since the Fat Xbox and used TeamX brand modchips. Back then it was skill based and you needed to know how to solder to use a modchip and the chances of bricking your consoles was very high. SXOS is pirating for dummies and they lost their cred when they charged for license to use their

That’s exactly what I thought. What an inside job. Pirate Nintendo software by BECOMING PRESIDENT OF NINTENDO!

To people who are pro-modding: don’t worry about this.

Team xecuter sold mod chips... they didn’t sell cracks to games or pirated software. Are we going to go after crowbar manufacturers on charges of burglary next? How this held up in court has nothing to do with justice and everything to do with the average judge/jury being too stupid to even fully understand the

“Imagine if something you invented was stolen from you and then marketed and sold to customers around the world.”