
Congrats - I really couldn’t get into it.  It was a little too dry for me and with so much content out there - I didn’t think it was worth my time hoping it got better.  Nothing cheeses me off more than wasting time on a show that just doesn’t get better despite all hope to the contrary.

I tried the demo.  The game isn’t worth the $70 they’re asking.  I especially felt the dialogue in the game felt like some Mobile game rather than a AAA title that Ubi is known to produced.  It was so cringy I almost quit right there.  The gameplay isn’t bad, but until the game is in the $20-30 neighborhood - pass.

The furor over JK’s tweets have been massively overblown by the media and the trans political activists. Probably because it catches headlines easily.

Or perhaps the push back is because of the extremism of trans politics these days.  Even the trans people I know think it’s gone too far.

The furor over JK’s tweets have been massively overblown by the media and the trans political activists. Probably because it catches headlines easily.

The furor over JK’s tweets have been massively overblown by the media and the trans political activists.  Probably because it catches headlines easily.

There should be a clear separation between trans people who just want to live their lives and the woke dung disturbers than just live to antagonize everyone.

There should be a clear separation between trans people who just want to live their lives and the woke shit disturbers than just live to antagonize everyone.

There should be a clear separation between trans people who just want to live their lives and the woke shit disturbers than just live to antagonize everyone.

The price point is probably provoking most of the discussion. A 90 dollar game should blow your socks off. Not just be “oh that’s pretty”

In Canada it’s a 90 dollar game. No game is worth that much. Especially not this one.

Exactly. After buying every console generation since the Xbox original/PS2/Wii , I’m just done. I have my PC, I spend enough money maintaining it and if this costs me missing out on future FF games - they can kiss my...

Oh cool!  Gonna check it out

I followed almost all the other comparisons but... Bound?  The 1996 film?  How is that related to The Matrix?

how about the freedom to leave and enter the country without being harrassed for provably faulty PCR test and then told to isolate for 10 days?  or being denied access to society unless you have some bullshit passport.  Christ youre already a slave to opression and you defend it.

If you think this is about science

Either way - her product was not compatible with my expectations. LOL

Calling her content porn is pretty disappointing. A lot of her stuff is suggestive, but there’s really no nudity.  God forbid you spend a cent on it, you’ll still be thirsty.

Here’s hoping it moves to PC.  Sure as hell ain’t buying a PS5 until prices come down - if they ever do.

Exactly my thinking.  There's tons of contests and give aways out there, I don't recall a single one ever asking the manufacturer for permission beforehand.  It seems a clear violation of fair use.