
All of these survival games are just Inane Chore List Simulators, and I do not even remotely understand the appeal.

Looks cool. Since I’m getting used to the idea of owning nothing, I’ll head down to my local torrent site to check it out when my backlog is a bit lighter.

ah, man, fuck Nintendo. Love your games, but it would be easier to just ignore the leaks.

“I’d march with you if you were discriminated against on the basis of being trans.”

I said bylines and op-eds, not that on here there is much of a difference these days, there’s been quite a lot of coverage given the level of reporting on the Legacy.

I don’t feel bad about posting what is true. People didn’t care about trans people until they were shoved into the spotlight. I certainly didn’t pay attention to them. Now they want to be acknowledged every second of their lives like they are Roman Reigns or something. 

I clicked on the ‘transphobic tweets’ link and I am finding a dearth of transphobia.

Talk about being a big baby. People act like such drama queens when it comes to JK Rowling. You know for all the crap people claims she said, they provide ZERO proof of what she said that could be described as transphobic. What is wrong with wanting women to have their own spaces, wanting women’s sports to be for REAL

And yet so many op-eds and bylines dedicated to it despite a choice not to cover it, it’s like the continual Musk bashing, just because its “op-ed” doesn’t make it any more redundant or boring. If you want to take the air out of something then you don’t talk about it, you don’t spend time talking about not talking

No, no they do not need to leave it behind. It is and always has been perfectly acceptable to consume content you like, even if you dislike the person or politics behind the content. It’s called freedom of choice. The constant need to tear down someone because of their political beliefs is your generations biggest

Upon reading the tweets for the first time, I found them to be quite predictable in their discussion of the tensions between Second-wave feminism and transgender ideas of concerning gender. While there may be controversy surrounding the issue, I don’t believe that the debate is entirely settled. It seems pretty

I think it’d be better if, on the first day of journalism school, they taught you the difference between news and opinion.

I’ll be watching it for sure, I also bought/pre-ordered the game as well. No I’m not a phobe of any kind I just don’t see it the way most do. I’ve also seen this group bully people into it or just straight bullies people I’ve lost respect for the cause. Plus I wonder if everyone has got the memo that not everyone knew

If you're referring to the Tavistock, it should be closed down. The intolerance is a horrible thing though.

Why not just wait until the show is released and then simply publish a negative review? I don’t expect any journalistic integrity here.

I didn’t say any creative work was more important than human rights. JK Rowling enjoys freedom of speech, just like everyone else. If her online comments are so vile and disgusting, does making vulgar comments back at her work make you any better? All the words in the world to choose from and you have to take a swipe

No. If you really believe this, then cancel your Twitter account. Scourge everything from your life that has transphobic connections.

It’s wonderful, as a gay man, reading the words of some self-important strumpet such as Linda Codega. Thank you so much for letting us know what to think Linda! Thank you for letting us know that you are an anti-woman, anti-homosexual, anti-feminist, venomous and vindictive woman. Please do us all a favor and move on

Idont think the 10 people boycotting her are going to affect her wealth in the least bit. Keep doing you while the majority of sane people continue enjoying things without being told not to. Btw, I thought journalism was supposed to be unbiased.

You and Gizmodo can continue to try to ignore Harry Potter and JK Rowling, while writing about how your ignoring them, but as the success of Harry Potter video game shows, it is still a very popular IP and JK Rowling doesn’t seem bothered by the hate directed towards her. I’m definitely looking forward to a Harry