
I feel like I watched a completely different show than the reviewer. I thoroughly enjoyed tired season. 

Right?! I enjoyed this season, and I come here to see someone take a shit all over a throughly enjoyable season of television. There is no pleasing some people.

Deadliest enemies feared at both physical and psychological levels:

Yeah weird, it is almost like the Remake isn't a 1:1 copy of the original game and everyone has already known that for months now or something. 

So you are not ok with FF7R having fluff but you are ok with Persona 5 fluff that goes up to 100h+?

yeah right...

I’m totally with you on the demo. I found it poorly balanced, disappointingly brief, and completely devoid of amazing darts mini-games! The main game fixes all of those problems.

Personally, my favorite things in the game are the new things they added. By about 10 hours in, I was less excited to see moments recreated compared with the new things they added. Wall Market is truly something else in this game.

OK Boomer

Jesus Christ, the disease cannot last without a host for over 2 days. Everyone needs to stop shitting themselves and operating out of fear instead of logic.

Yeah, no quicker way to keep me out of a game than making me fodder for sociopaths.

I really disliked the original FF7 for how it traded in the expressive detailed sprites and great stories of previous JPRGs for gorgeous (at the time, now terrible) pre-rendered CG, boringly lengthy summons, and spectacularly ugly 3D models. I played FF7 right after Wild Arms and it felt like a huge step down.

FF7:R feels like an interpretation of how someone who was young when it came out remembers the original game. Through rose colored glasses shrouded in the fog of days gone by, they recall crazy sword fights and a man with gun for an arm yelling out obscenities while blasting his way out of trouble and a flower girl

Driver also sent the kid a bunch of merch from his film ‘Paterson’, to which the boy said, “Oh ... that’s great.”

Wait....don't they use bidet?

I think it means high fever but ya its dumb.

this site has been promoting liberal movement since ages.

Of course Valve and Steam are going to bow to the wishes of brutal authoritarian tyrants - our society doesn’t reward people for making moral choice, it rewards them for making money. What else can we reasonably expect from a system that fundamentally values profits over principles and justice?

I mean its great that it’s not totally gone but it’s still bullshit it got pulled and never restored.

Last year I got my dad his third game boy where he can play tetris. I would have LOVED for it to be an original one but no such luck (I think it ended up being a refurbished pocket or a color or something). I look forward to getting him another one, and let me be clear, the last thing he needs is a fucking switch.

RE:Hard G advocates: I wouldn’t expect less seeing how they butcher local and foreging words equally.