
So this guy who already got in trouble for hacking Nintendo does it again, this time more publicly, bragging a discord server with his name on it, and then hides a bunch of kiddie porn in a folder that might as well have been called kiddie porn.

You’re really going to differentiate between all the darn iterations of the same systems? Seems redundant and disingenuous.

Hopefully the quality of the game will allay this problem for you.

and not a Freudian slip, or learned spell check entry

i am really hoping that that is a typo.

I wouldn’t reminisce about an old teacher sending me a pile of floppy dicks.

He has both but only carries on his back the one he’s likely going to need. It’s that way in the books. The two swords on the back was a video game design decision.

Yeah. As a fan of the games, this show was an absolute treat. Getting to see some of the stuff that’s not in the games but that are often referenced is just great. The only thing I want more of are like full on monster hunt episodes with Geralt using his immense knowledge to solve some mystery, maybe with some twists

That’s always been my feeling. I get the idea behind it and it kind of sucks you have to deal with so many firmware updates and patches these days, but I’d still want to be the first person to open my own gift. Plus no point in pretending that stuff doesn’t exist. The kids may as well learn about dealing with

The characters in 13 spend most of the game on the run from the military, which results in a constant sense of forward momentum. This means there's no side quests and very little time spent in towns, but that doesn't really make the game any more or less linear. Every Final Fantasy is linear, you just notice it more

As if we didn’t need more reasons to hate Adam Carolla, he used to do a riff (maybe still does) about how Brad Pitt was dumb and just seems intelligent because he’s handsome and reads other people’s lines well. Clearly, that’s not the case. Pitt is an intelligent, thoughtful guy, as are a plenty of other handsome

If you change your game description to no longer use the term “Choose your own adventure,” turn to page 37.

If you ignore Chooseco’s cease and desist letter, turn to page 72.

Yup, also agreed.

I would question whether context and intent come into play with this suit. If they’re not using “Choose Your Own Adventure” explicitly in the title of the game, but rather simply using it in an explanation of a game mechanic — i.e. “as the player, you have the capability to choose your own adventure within the game

I get angry every time I see the house in the GMC commercial with the couple in their late 20s/ early 30s living in a million dollar modern mansion and he buys them matching GMCs because her matching watches for the hell of it. Who is this supposed to appeal to? 

The real change is... ON THE INSIDE.

What I don’t get is how this woman claims getting the bike “changed her.” There is no visible way in which she has changed over the year. She was already thin and toned. I guess she just gets up earlier now?

It’s utterly ridiculous that it took a crap interview to have Andrew stripped of his royal duties. It should’ve happened after he thought hanging out with a convicted sex offender was nbd. 

It’s time to forgive Charles for his love for a woman his mother wouldn’t let him marry. We all loved Diana, but that relationship they were both forced into was destined to be a failure from the start. The real villain is not Charles, it’s the people who decided that they could impose an arranged royal marriage and