
I prefer the line “A man can never cross the same river twice. It isn’t the same river, and he isn’t the same man.” We have to accept that we aren’t the same people we were when we played those games the first time; we’ve seen too much, played too much, lost too much of our innocence. Sometimes the reason you can’t go

Fuck everyone involved in this story. Fucking morons.

So, I wonder if the hot tub is still there? :)

I hope this isn’t the last chapter of a sad story. I grew up on Sierra games-- Quest for Glory was my gateway into roleplaying games, and still one of my most beloved experiences. I genuinely hope they are selling the house for happy reasons because it would break my heart to find out this was some dark ending.

Eh, OTOH, people are already using it incorrectly and/or running it into the ground, as morons are wont to do, so I’d expect it to be dead sometime next week.

PS. Wishing Boomers death is NOT cool. Boomers (born 1946 - 1964) are the least of your problems!

I’m an old white Boomer and the way those jerks treated Marion would have coming over the table at them. I’m so glad she got to live a dream.

Why is this motherfucker approved & not grey? It’s a piece of shit troll that needs to be shut down.

I am so glad this girl was supported in what must have been a magical experience for her. Living between an elementary and a middle school, I see all kinds of ‘individual expressions’ that I would never be presumptuous enough to attribute them to bad parenting. I also see enough ill mannered, bad ass white kids to

This is exactly what I did. This tried and true method has served me well for many, many bosses through the years. 

I have to admit being an Xbox guy that their use of it has been kinda wonky. When the system launched it was marked as Beta and you could enable/disable it in settings. Then when it came out of Beta it was a permanent feature. During beta though it did cause some issues like in Black Flag, resuming the game caused the

Should have played it on PS4 I guess. Game suspends just like every other game I’ve ever played on there.

... what the hell is wrong with these people?

Similar story here. Fell for a girl at work. Went on smoke breaks even though I had quit just to be around her. Spent years being her friend going for lunch breaks and doing shit together.

Yeah, I didn’t know how to put this into words, so I held up on posting, but I agree. It’s always hard as a dude to try to give someone else perspective into how they should approach a woman, since god knows we’re not always on the same page, but man, my first thought was “dude, tell her.”

That first one is tough to gauge.

(Standard disclaimer: there is no Friend Zone, there are just people who don’t want to date or sleep with you.)

Now playing

As far as im concerned, the Uncharted movie already came out Starring Nathan Fillion and anyone cast in this new one is wrong and i hate it.

I do the exact opposite; I stand up as soon as the plane takes off

Well, that’s the court order criminal case.