What absolutely miserable human beings these people reporting her must be
What absolutely miserable human beings these people reporting her must be
Looks awesome. But no way I’m going to pay near $100 for such a remake. Living in Canada, with sale taxes, full price releases are bordering that price (like, $92 or something).
Bullshit. It isn’t stealing at all. It’s infringement on copyright, which is a totally different crime. The natural human right to share things with people supersedes the legally constructed “right” for companies to benefit financially from works over time
One day, you’ll realize that many issues, including this one, aren't as black & white like how you're making it out to be.
Making available creative works that can be transmitted with lossless transfer is not stealing in the traditional sense, first.
This is such an asinine opinion because we’re only able to play some old games thanks to piracy. I’m not endorsing a website proudly offering roms. But this only benefits the corporation, not the artist. Or the preservation of games.
It’s not stealing if the product isn’t being sold or otherwise distributed. If I want to play Mother 3 in English—or for that matter, Toby Fox’s The Halloween Hack, which requires a ROM of Earthbound to play—I have literally no choice but to rely on piracy. Both of those games are hugely influential works of art that…
How cute - a moral absolutist who believes that Law equals Justice.
Theft is a funny word when used to describe digital media.
Well, that’s as harsh as claims get, but I can’t exactly refute. I’m not really up for discussing the morals around copyright law, but we can all agree that making profit off copyright infringement is a ballsy flex toward Nintendo.
You think it’s sad to ask “Who is it hurting”? Shouldn’t that be the litmus test for deciding if something is or isn’t hurting someone? It’s kind of sad when people think whether something is hurting someone or not is irrelevant.
Let me speak to two things here. First, this is not theft, it’s copyright infringement. Second, until half a century ago copyright only lasted for 30 years. Meaning that if it wasn’t for Disney, we would all have copies of Super Mario Bros on our computers because that game would now be in the public domain! What…
““who is it hurting?”.... It’s sad that anyone even begins to think about asking this question, let alone asking it”
The people who hid and sent away prints of Murnau’s “Nosferatu” also were
On one hand, I appreciate that. Content creators should be compensated when possible. The various “classic” consoles prove we’ll happily open our wallets when a convenient, well-executed means is available. Even when we choose to pirate, the various RetroPie rigs prove we have no issue spending money to have our…
Unless someone starts hosting all games created legally, that theft is needed to keep gaming history alive.
I know, I acknowledged the legal side of it. Literally the first first 4 words of my response. I asked about the moral side of it.
Good. The term “preservation” is just a polite way of saying you are stealing and redistributing intellectual property illegally. You can hide behind that word all you like, you are still a damned thief. And no, the delusion that if you own it then it is legal is entirely false.
buying an SUV, a race car, and two four-wheelers, and then handing out $15,000 to their friends
Same with a man and an unzipped fly