
That happened to my 9 year old! We were at a children’s museum and she was wearing a crop top. Some lady took her photo without my permission or knowing and posted it on a fb mom blog mom shaming me and and slut shaming my kid. She is 9! She wasn’t trying to be sexual! She wore it because she likes crop tops and she

How in the worlds an adult do you do that to a teen girl and not realize you are the villain in this story?

My jaw dropped as I read this. I hope this girl’s parents is able to teach her that there’s nothing wrong with her body.

The Washington Post reports that previously a parent took a photo of her backside and shared it with other parents

A most prodigious and venerable comment.

That’s true, but while a piece of chuck steak can be turned into a good meal, sometimes you want a rib eye. Sometimes simple words aren’t the best choice. 

Here’s my take: your vocabulary should often reflect the context and community you’re using it in. Talking among to a classroom full of first-graders, then you shouldn’t use these. Talking to colleagues, maybe some are okay depending on your field (curate, utilization are used daily in this field). Talking among

Wonderful point, Kevin. I think that this article is really an effort to make other less articulate workers feel comfortable and included. I was always taught in grade school to figure out a words meaning through context, and if I am still unsure, there is a handy reference called a dictionary. They even have them

If you constantly worry about having to “dumb down” your writing, you’re a bad writer.

People tell me I sound like an ass when I properly use “whom” but I’ll die on that hill.

Dev figures game would croak on Steam, instead it’s leaps into the hearts of fans who find it ribbetting. Plans sequels to avoid losing Steam.

The irony is that it is slowly shifting. Television is far becoming the more prestige production environment. When a TV show is good, it transcends even the best that Hollywood can put out, and it’s how guys like Bryan Cranston have been able to make that leap. 

Trying to justify it by saying these are “industry-standard established ranges based on experience” is especially fucked-up, given the strength of their resumes. He had one movie screenwriting credit and one “story by” credit prior to Crazy Rich Asians. She’d been writing for television for two decades. It’s a flimsy

Naturally, Lim walked away, and a few months later Chiarelli offered her half of his salary to reach some semblance of parity. She still said no

One of their latest releases was FFXIV: Shadowbringers. It has an amazing story, but unfortunately wont be seen by the majority due to it being an MMORPG expansion.

One thing to realize it that climate change is not that bad.

Country group Alabama sang a song in the 80s about the Amazon, the o-zone layer, and they had a few about the remnants of recessions.

Almost every generation felt like they were living in the end times, it’s not over yet.

They’re letting you use the computers at the nursing home today?

How will my children know where to meet to plan the overthrowing of the bourgeois?