
I think it’s amazing these people live in such a bubble that they don’t even think twice about being openly racist in this situation. “Sure, we don’t have any black people in our town, and we want to keep it that way. Oh the Bible says something about it? Doesn’t really matter, no black people,

Christians are suppose to be Christ-like and I don’t believe that Christ believes interracial marriage is wrong. Per chance that he did, the Bible would have mentioned something about it. Just because you are a Christian and believe something, does not make it a Christian belief. 

“Old Testament passages that were clearly meant for the Israelites during a specific time in their history.”

Seriously, i dont get how racist people can cite Jesus or the Bible...look at Jesus’ lineage...its rife with “race mixing”. If they love christ like they claim to, (though its probably white Jesus that they love), they would love a product of significant mixing of races. So they have no point and can only cite Old

Seriously. What the actual fuck does marriage have to do with a desk job...

Gw1 is a strange thing. Where as many games of the day were fully open world affairs, GW was open massively multiplayer in outposts, the world was entirely instanced. The heavy use of minions/hired heroes/etc was also necessary if one was going to play solo.

I think he made it 100% clear that he has been understanding and considerate with his friend for a long time. The summary of his problem is “I’ve been friends with this guy for months despite him having numerous issues and constantly wearing me down, what should I do?”. How is that anything BUT selfless?

I don't think someone is an asshole for liking someone but being exhausted at their neediness and not knowing how to respond to that. The writer is asking for advice, which shows he is uncomfortable about ghosting and would like a better answer.

Whoa dude - you need to calm down. It’s clear that he doesn’t know how to manage this relationship and that’s precisely why he wrote the letter. You don’t need to be an asshole and call him out for asking an advice column... for advice. It’s clear he doesn’t know how to handle his situation - so back the fuck off and

Yes and no, considering she actively created an entire career that is a long con.

At least he was arrested AFTER seeing the movie.

Oh my GOD. This is why I can’t get into JRPGs. You’re telling me that it takes 60 or 70 hours for the story to pick up? I’m literally aging just thinking about it.

How do you keep track of what you’re doing in each game? That’s a problem I have playing one JRPG at a time. Though Ni No Kuni II is brilliant at keeping me on track right now, there are some JRPGs I abandoned because I couldn’t remember what I was doing after setting the game aside for a month.

I can’t even read this article. Nothing will surprise me. The total disregard for women's suffering is nothing new, sadly. I’ve been consumed by true crime podcasts lately, because my job allows me to listen to things while I carry out menial tasks. My overarching takeaway is that people ignore their gut far to often,

Im ok with them hand waving off the night king. There’s enough boring zombie shit in other shows. It’s always been better when it focuses on the politics

I have never supported Riot (mostly because I don’t play MOBAs), but if these past few months are any indication, I am completely glad that I never did. Fuck this company. I fully support these employees doing everything they can to show their dissatisfaction.

He shouldn’t have said it...they shouldn’t have attacked him. But, they wouldn’t have had a reason to attack him, had he just not said anything. So entirely his fault. 

Exactly. This isn’t the fault of “the media”. This is Pewdiepie’s fault, plain and simple, because he keeps flirting with the White Supremacists and Neo-Nazi’s that make up the “alt-right”. The fact that he refuses to acknowledge his own culpability shows that he simply doesn’t get it, and that he’ll keep doing the

It’s almost as if making racist comments and making light of Nazis will make you popular with racists...

All of the presented examples are you think children deserve the Darwin Award or that their parents deserve to lose their child to drowning? Be better.

I spent high school and college working as a lifeguard and had to go in after multiple people — including adults — but most were children who had drifted