
About half of it was emotionally rewarding. The other half of the time I was just dying for them to get on with it. Only 4 more episodes, people! I would rather hurry up now and allow the finale to breathe than the other way round.

It is good that Sansa is still able to be sex-positive after her many traumatic experiences 

He’s clearly a right-wing incel with too much time on his hands.

This hit super close to home for me. Someone that I do community organizing with for a sex workers’ organization (and who I consider a friend and comrade) just had their account reported and taken down by this same asshole. She lost upwards of 20k followers and with it basically all of her marketing reach. Most sex

Sure, next you’re gonna tell me that farming is harder IRL than Stardew Valley.

Unfortunately the ‘Creators Program’ didn’t exist in 2007. And despite all evidence to the contrary, I am not in fact able to send myself messages through time using a microwave.

I mean, Jedi Knight’s lightsaber combat was third person and it was rad.

The funny thing is that given how corporate and safe the game is it’s actually much less bad than, say, PewDiePie or the Pauls, but YouTube is happy to send plenty of advertising their way.

It was released 23 years ago, so... yeah?

I don’t even think this is a matter of Nintendo targeting him or this kind of content, it’s just Nintendo’s usual level of bullshit-run-amok on YouTube.

yeah in terms of jedi action, jedi outcast has never been topped. here’s hoping the devs looked at that game for inspiration—with a little uncharted, it seems to be—rather than force unleashed. 

I’m in a similar boat with kids and job (and I’m only a couple years younger than you). I find myself able to do well enough at “normal” difficulty level in most games that I don’t get stuck. Some games I even play at Hard because they are too easy. But in the same respect like you I don’t have the time or desire to

See to me its that element of “I could die and lose my progress” that makes it exciting and feel like I’m Jason Bourne, so I won’t mod or cheat.  BUT Thats for me.  If modding is what works for you and you can have the same joy that way, have at it, hoss.

This is like someone who enjoys rough anal sex judging someone for enjoying some light fingering instead. If it isn’t your asshole, it’s none of your business.

I’m kind of amazed at how entrenched certain people are on concept that the value of video games seems to lie solely in their difficulty. I mean, if you enjoy difficulty, that’s great, but it’s not the be-all end-all of the genre. I’m not sure why people care how others enjoy something, or feel that they have to be

positing that the sheer existence of an “easy” mode would taint a developer’s vision or cheapen the accomplishment of beating a tough game.

This whole thing is pretty silly.

If a game includes/does not include the option to change difficulty, so be it. It’s up to the creator.

Fetusberry “Ass Bastard” Crunch (oh god I can’t believe I typed out that series of characters) is clearly an arrogant nitwit and I’m glad the Internet did its thing. The LA, SM64, and Sonic ones had me cracking up.

It’s pretty weird how attitudes towards “cheating” in video games have evolved over the years. I remember when I was a kid, the primary value of things like “video game magazines” was that they had the cheats in them. I knew one kid who was was briefly the coolest kid in school since he was the first in his peer

Bioware really nailed it with KotOR.  To the point that I don’t even like Star Wars, but this game is a damn masterpiece