
I hope that this DDOS attack wakes up developers of IoT devices that there is a huge problem with them making half ass to non-existent security on their devices.

It definately can happen. A cousin of mine has a strict screen policy of only on weekends for tv, tablet, and video games. I am much more lenient since my kid never really watches TV but, for some reason, she needs it as background noise. (Or she’ll do something like set up a pretend movie theater for her toys and

American children in the early 1800s were master cave painters. It really is a dying art.

Phantom Menace straight up sucked as a movie though. I enjoyed it the first time, but it has some major failings as a movie. I would still dislike it if it weren’t Star Wars. It is just poorly paced and written, it doesn’t succeed at what it is trying to be.

I thought she was the only good part of the movie.

Probably the news. Yes they are stronger so you need less of a dose. Take a big old glob of RSO and you’ll be off your face for days. Take a tiny little bit and you will happily go about your day.

“The pot today and it’s different derivatives are not your get happy and get the munchies type drug”

Wow, come in for conspiracy theories, and I don’t doubt that there are certain industries that lobby for one or the other, but come to Florida and listen to the discussion and you will quickly see what the problem is.

By that logic they should outlaw distilled alcohol. I’ve never blacked out from pot.

Stoned people don’t puke in your car.

Can vouch for this. Hell, I’m ace, and still wouldn’t turn her down.

Actually a lot of it is the cotton industry, which is why hemp can’t be grown in the US (except for research, and only since 2014). If marijuana is legalized then they have no basis to keep hemp cultivation illegal, since hemp can’t get you high but is the same species of plant as marijuana. Hemp, which can be used in

That the US govt can still say there is no medicinal use to pot just goes to show how deep in the pocket pharma lobbyists are.

Talk about damning with faint praise. Any living person, selected at random, would be a better Joker than Leto. Heath Ledger’s corpse, manipulated via broom sticks and fishing line, would be a better Joker than Leto.

All this did was remind me what a missed opportunity this movie was. So many funny people, so little funny.

“Brilliant movie”

Kate McKinnon was certainly my favorite part of the movie. I think I have a crush on her now.

Yes. Yes she would. Better than Leto. By a factor of a million.

My crush on Kate McKinnon knows few bounds. Just an unbelievably talented performer. She seems really good at doing lots of little things to support the other actors in a scene, too, not just running wild to show off how clever she is.