
there are so many people out there just waiting for an opportunity to “profit” off of someone, financially or emotionally (too bad it was both this time). And sometimes it’s really hard to tell they are a piece of crap before you are completely invested in a relationship :(

Distressed: Personally, I gave up on relationships totally when a girl told me she was dumping me and going back to her old boyfriend because I didn’t beat her up and he did. I’ve been much happier for the last 12ish years.

I’d say date a coworker if you don’t see them very often day-to-day (different floor, different department, etc.) AND your work has nothing to do with theirs.

I used to think that the reason I had horrible clothes in the 1980s was because my mom dressed* me.

“See you later savages.”


Not normally. But if you’re going to live in a human-dominated world as a “lusty barmaid”, you have to pander to the clientele. Breast Wizards it is!

As the locals would say, he robbed them blind.

That’s what I said! My last apartment was in a complex built in the 40s — it would be more surprising if someone hadn’t died there at some point.

A bit off-topic:

Considering I’ve seen a video where a guy jumped eight feet into deep water and ended up splitting the entire front of his skull from chin to crown wide open on a stray rock, I hope you’ll forgive me if I just think he’s being foolish.

What set off alarms for your friend? Was it just the location? (So glad you listened and GTFO!)

It’s sort of scarier that you HAVEN’T seen him on the news lately. Do you think there were other people in the basement? Or was he whispering to himself?

In your bed.

I bet someone has died in most every house you’ve lived in.

Someone died almost everywhere.

Yep. Sadly that was my immediate take on this too and not much else. “Cute young woman... wait, water? What?”

After reading everyone's comments, I'm starting to wonder if something's wrong with me because I didn't have any reaction to any of them. I was mildly wide-eyed at yesterday's desert ghost, but I had no other reaction. I think I've been desensitized to scary stuff. I watch horror movies to help me sleep, for Pete's

"Look At Me" is the scariest story I have ever heard, bar none. The scary/crazy people stories are much more frightening to me than the ghost stories. And "She Never Left" was very well-written, and I found it so bittersweet...I don't believe in ghosts, but in a way, that longing, lonely child-ghost, who never left,

I accidentally did that to my dad once. It was dark out, and I was walking by the side of the house. The light in the TV room downstairs was on, so I leaned over a little to check through the window who was down there.

First, really excited my story got picked!