
I believe it was "I AM GROOT!"

What full sentence did Groot say in this scene?

I would bet that the shame triggered by the publicity of the frivolous lawsuit would be more damaging that the shame of her cleavage being displayed on Google Maps. Just my thoughts.

"The emerging theme among commentators is that Pope Francis is denying God's divinity and is "selling out" Christian doctrine to make the Catholic Church seem more in tune with the modern, secular world and attract more adherents."

Nobody gives a shit in the real world.

I have a some issues with her work, but the angry mob that follows her around really isn't doing the community any favors.

Lol. Nope. Ninty is DOOMED! Doomed I tell you. DOOOOOMED. They'll be going the way of SEGA!

I was just thinking the exact same thing. I have been facially deformed since birth and would have hated to see a princess version of me depicted. disney's main purpose aside from sexualizing the youth is to distract children from their daily traumas. I can't imagine a downs princess going over well and not becoming

As someone with special needs, I can tell you that I would really not have liked to have a special needs princess. That stuff was escapism for me, so why would I want to see someone like myself?

Now we just need an open world Judge Dredd game.

Yeah, the sequels are unfairly derided. There are some missed opportunities, some stupid stupid visuals (the Zion rave scene), and the attempts at mindfuck moments, akin to Neo waking up in the pod bank, never measure up. And hoo boy, that crap about werewolves or whatever was really half-baked. But there are great

Hello, how is it going?
Oh shit... was greeting you in a friendly manner, from one human to another, sexual harassment!?!?!

My problem with the sequels has always been two things: 1) The Neo we were promised at the end of the first film is not the one we got in the last two, and 2) Agent Smith clones were a not a good choice for the 'bad guys' in the Matrix

Ok, way to completely NOT read a single fucking word i wrote. I NEVER said he was an asshole. All i said was it was odd seeing a story where there wasn't some kind of funny descriptive used. Search for past stories featuring Adam Levine and you'll see what i mean.

I imagine that this year, Adam Levine's party is gonna go something like this:

I promise that hoping other people find you interesting is a hollow reason for doing anything.

Sounds like the father is the family's biggest problem with his temper problem.

Honestly we are getting there. Nvidia's new laptop cards are at 80% of their desktop counterparts (which means you can run almost everything at pretty high settings on new games).

You, you get me! I didn't think the way I phrased it was all that hard to understand.

This guy needs to do the same thing with the bloated Hobbit movies, GET ON WITH IT!