
Honestly, I'm getting tired of this growing attitude where fans think the story should be told the way they want it to be told. I've been getting sick of this attitude since Mass Effect 3. That's not how stories work. Someone writes it, someone else experiences it. The reader/viewer doesn't have to like it, but they

Saga, you say? This one has spaceships and magic too.

Basically it shows that even when parents mean well, they can still cause long-lasting emotional damage to their kids. Just one of the many things that terrify me about one day having children. It probably didn't help that they bit the dust early on either.

THANK YOU. Damn. I was starting to think I was the only one who realized that all the drama in the movie is a result of this family being ridiculously bad at communicating, thereby blowing manageable problems way out of proportion. So there was no Professor X, but it was pretty obvious the trolls were wise and good

I think for idiotic videos such as this, it's better to show the stolen copy as to not encourage the makers to do more. -_-

Dear lord, people need to grow the fuck up and wait and see how things go.

I am tired of the internet thinking they know better. Luckey CLEARLY cares about every single person that cares about VR. Eggy bother with a few angry redditors after an acquisition like this? It would be a complete waste of time. Luckey, if you see this, just stay strong through the typical internet BS.

No, he just copied the full text into a text message and sent it. My phone will automatically split the message up into texts with the allowed number of characters, and just send them out one after the other. So he copies the text once, hits send, then walks away while the other guy receives 1,000 text messages one

This is adorable. I hope one day I too find someone that I can can perform nerdy lipsynchs to perfection with, and also procreate.

I'm trying to get into nursing school, and I do photography on the side. Is this what I'm going to become ten years from now?

Or 'd': Because I simply don't like that kind of games.

"all in mobile, social, and web-based gaming."

You then walked over to one another, hugged in a gentle embrace and kissed while softly crying.

Now if only they'd ditch consoles entirely, they could start making great games!

Seriously, this girl isn't nice, or empowering. She's just full of herself. Say no. It works, trust me. I'm gay, I get hit on all the time by creepy old dudes in gay bars. I tell them I'm not interested, they move on. It's not that hard. Why do people have to make rejection so hard?

I always thought the move looked like a sex toy for me to use (Does it vibrate? :P Controllers are good^^ ) But that costume just looks like a vinyl condom to me, with arms.

I agree, anyone wearing such a perfect Jackie Chan costume should be awarded

If you haven't played Titanfall yourself yet, you may be one of those wondering: what the hell is with all the hype around that game? It's just another shooter, right? Not quite. It's better.
