
I think you meant *Guitar Hero*.

Because they don't wanna oversaturate the market with their franchise. If you wait a while. Then fans are excited to see a new game. If you release one every week. (*cough* Assassins Creed *cough*) The public grows tired.

I'm probably going to get flamed all to hell for this comment.

Nah, get him an Atari and Custer's Revenge.

Dear Norway,

What the fuck? Fuck this guy! Only 21 years? He should get life or hanged by his balls.

And he gets video games? Fuck him. He shouldnt get shit but a white room with a mattress. Fucking asshole has the gall to whine about not having a PS3 when he is even allowed to live.

Be grateful you can still breath you stupid fuck.

Somebody get him a WiiU.

Yeah, the headline first made me think this was going to be about a Skyrim mod that added more people to villages or larger towns or something.

Unboxing is amazing, I do miss the days when I bought games that came in an unreasonably large box to contain a manual less than half the size and a CD Jewel case.

So they wreck the original ending to our view of the universe, add a cliffhanger, and then tell us they're never going to act on that. Okay.

'Tis the stuff nightmares are made of.

It's stuff like this that makes me want to learn how to tweak and edit java script so I can make a knock off and get some easy money. D=

Yes! The family homes drive me insane in today's movies and TV shows. It gives the impression that the average family income is $350k. I remember an episode of Modern Family where they pretty much spontaneously decided to go on a Hawaiian vacation and I started mentally tallying up the costs of such a trip and gave up

Spielberg films are notable for this, but you see a family home in Close Encounters, ET, or Explorers - the floor is awash with toys, the kitchen tables are a massacre of a thousand meals and children scream and shout in the scenes in total disregard for main characters talking to each other. It's believable,

It's Canada and like any country with a working legal system it takes a hell of a long time for anything to sit in front of a judge's eyes

eyewitness of Bitternose, what are the odds?

I love how Kotaku just picks a game that they're playing and makes the decision "Yup. Not gunna shut up about this for at least a week." This round it's Bravely Default.

There's an old saying: if it looks like a Final Fantasy, feels like a Final Fantasy, and sounds like a Final Fantasy, it's probably Bravely Default.

patrick stuart can do no wrong as far as i'm concerned.

I'll go ahead and reach for the cliché: