
I really don't understand all of the hate for XIII. Do people really enjoy the artificial game length added by grinding and the search for the right shop in the right town to buy the right material to take to the other shop to get a decent weapon? Do people really have such a hard time following a complicated story

Go him!

You're not the only one. Many people love FF8.

I think I'm the only one, but man did I love FFVIII when I was younger. Sure, Squall was about as emo as they come, but the battle system really hooked me in as did the character progression. Maybe it's time to buy it on Steam and see if I'm just wearing nostalgia goggles.

Give 'em a try. They are fun, and nice to look at. You've probably heard so much negative criticism about them by now—much of it comically venomous—that it seems unlikely you will find them to be as bad as they are made out.

Oh...yeah....that's the worst. You're pretty much stuck doing the menial crap. Yeah...i went WHM so I had to get gladiator to 15 and it was a chore to even get him that high.

What level are you?

My brother is deaf with a lame hand, since WoW we haven't been able to find many games he could play well in the MMO realm, but this is definitely one of them.

You seem a bit sensitive to this story being shown. A horny guy apparently has no regard for basic decency, why can't such idiocy be outed as the reprehensible behavior that it is?

I absolutely get your stance on II and XIII, but you lost me at Final Fantasy VIII.

You could always just not read the articles.

That's why we game on PC.

Why do college administrators think it's their job to "investigate" crimes? You're a fucking college, not a DA's office. If you are informed of an alleged crime your only role is to inform the police and turn over whatever evidence you have so that THEY can investigate. Stop playing Columbo and let the experts handle

lol this exactly: "King does not clone games"

I think they mean "if we get caught and ridiculed for deliberately copying someone else's game, then we do whatever we can to save face". Otherwise, ignorance is profits.

I think the correct action to do in this situation for these girls was to either make out or flash their boobs~

Your metaphor is broken. Do people pay you to access your building? That's their monthly subscription fee. It grants them 24/7 access. Including upkeep, the costs almost become static. Granted, if you have a spike in subscribers, you have to use part of your income to expand the branch or face complaints.

I'm one of the few who actually likes X-2 over X. Better battle system and no Tidus. :)

Sew that shizz! Sew that sweater!

I see some commenters feel it was immoral of her to tape the conversation.