
Similar story here. Fell for a girl at work. Went on smoke breaks even though I had quit just to be around her. Spent years being her friend going for lunch breaks and doing shit together.

Had a chance between girlfriends to let her know how I felt but a bit of fear and religion got in our way and...well fast forward

At least you never have to wonder what if...

To condense the advice for Letter #1...

I’m 43 now and I can tell you I’ve never regretted something I did so much as the things I didn’t do. The girl who was a friend that I didn’t tell her my feelings. I can tell you one thing you can take to the bank - if you don’t tell her how you feel and she ends up with someone

Those are so ludicrous they don’t even qualify as boobs.  “Mommy why are all those women holding basketballs?”

And you are wise beyond your years.

Only youth think “facts don’t matter” LOL Wait til those facts kick ‘em in the ass and they WISH they had mattered when they were younger.

The saying is true “Youth is wasted on the young.”

I agree, I just thought it was an unusual word to use for someone you miss and has passed away.  The word celebrate tends to be used in an atmosphere of “Yeah! That was awesome!” rather than “Yeah! She was awesome, I’m gonna miss her.” I’m sure there’s a word for that, but since I haven’t had my morning coffee yet -

I know what you mean.  All the grandparents in my family and my wife’s family had long lingering painful deaths.  I felt so much relief at their passing I suppose you COULD say I was celebratory inside while showing an appropriate amount of mourning.  And frankly... Wherever they are has to be better than the shit

“Celebrated” doesn’t seem to be the right word for this though...Unless you really resented her, then I suppose it was absolutely the right word.

GoT ended like BSG did ... A complete and utter disappointment after seasons of buildup.  I can’t fathom why Netflix is rewarding them with a 200 million dollar contract.

This is a year old!!! How is this story in the queue again?!

I actually loved that movie as a child and was so disappointed that it became censored.  I love the Bre’r Rabbit story and as a kid any racism in it went completely over my head.

I would LOVE an english copy of her map.  Damn

Probably thought he could just grab her by the pussy.

Oh come on - it’s all about those cards! ;)

I have SO many RPGs I want to play but they’re such huge time sinks I probably will never get to them all until I retire.  By which we’ll probably be playing on holodecks and these games will be outmoded relics like pong. :(

It’s pretty par for the course in China. A few years ago they did a Cars movie knock off too. They just plagiarize other people’s shit all the time down there.  In some ways it’s refreshing (I hate copyright law) in other ways it’s laughable.

Not in BC or Alberta unless MAYBE there’s a 7-11 attached.

*cry* I so badly want a sequel.

Brutal.  I was homeschooled from grade 7 - 12 in a super religious environment (Look up Duggars or ATI or Bill Gothard if you want to get an idea).  A lot of us who grew up in that kind of controlling environment left our faith.  Others just left the group but became just as controlling without it.  In short - nearly