
“it’s just a faith mate...” said someone who’s never been in an extremely controlling church or religion.  Your faith can determine your whole life.  OR ruin it.

BINGO. You gave better advice this time than the Dr. I have strong feelings about religion being that I grew up in it. If you have to program your children into believing it when they’re kids - there’s a problem with your faith. If it’s logical, makes sense and is defensable - is it necessary to program your kids to

Too gimicky.

I was disappointed the sequel wasn’t called PokeYourMom

My wife and I are going on 12 years on a CRV. I bought a 95 Mercury Mystique with only 100,000 kms on it from a guy who’s grandmother passed and it was her vehicle. Old as fuck, but I only paid 500 for it and put 2k of maintenance into it and while it’s not perfect it gets me to work and back and that’s all I can

Such a beautiful eulogy for a young man who was amazing.  I’m sorry for your loss, and ours. :(

I can’t even imagine WHY anyone would be titillated by that kind of material.

If someone was a threat to my family - I’d cut that damn cord pretty fast too.  They did more than I would’ve to be honest.

Brainwashed self righteous prat.

That’s an excellent idea.  The alternative is to grant a regular license to them - contingent on their grades.  If they drop - the license is no longer valid.

Must be nice.  We don’t even get Hulu in Canada so.... there’s that.

It’s gotten better.  Mid 90s to mid 2000s were the worst.  It was rare when a game had subtitles, and it was especially problematic in games like Riven, Halo, and even Half Life where the dialogue would set the story and even give clues and direction as it progressed.  Some games (and publishers) remain on my shit

I loved it and it was a far better movie than The Wrath of Khunt (Yes I know it’s Khan but I so FUCKING hate that movie.)

Its not theft if you still have possession of said thing.

I find that hard to believe.  Juding by the great number of Teslas being driven around in my city - I’m guessing a lot of people spend a shit ton of their paycheque on cars.

She is such a copyright whore.  I hate that bitch.

Great article, well written. I’m probably only a decade older than you so my teen years were in the 90s instead. Since the mall was a 45 minute drive away, my hang out was usually the field full of gophers where I’d go hunting them with my bow and arrow and rarely killed one. (motherfuckers hear the twang and duck

Oops - I hope vocabulary wasn’t too big a word for you.

Or maybe you just need to expand your vocabulary more and stop using words you discovered on twitter.

Been wanting to play this game since I first bought it on Xbox in 2011, and again on Steam a few years ago.  Trouble is I have an 8 year old and in our little apartment very little privacy... Sigh I might have to wait until she’s in college at this rate.