If someone was a threat to my family - I’d cut that damn cord pretty fast too. They did more than I would’ve to be honest.
If someone was a threat to my family - I’d cut that damn cord pretty fast too. They did more than I would’ve to be honest.
That’s an excellent idea. The alternative is to grant a regular license to them - contingent on their grades. If they drop - the license is no longer valid.
It’s gotten better. Mid 90s to mid 2000s were the worst. It was rare when a game had subtitles, and it was especially problematic in games like Riven, Halo, and even Half Life where the dialogue would set the story and even give clues and direction as it progressed. Some games (and publishers) remain on my shit…
Its not theft if you still have possession of said thing.
I find that hard to believe. Juding by the great number of Teslas being driven around in my city - I’m guessing a lot of people spend a shit ton of their paycheque on cars.
Great article, well written. I’m probably only a decade older than you so my teen years were in the 90s instead. Since the mall was a 45 minute drive away, my hang out was usually the field full of gophers where I’d go hunting them with my bow and arrow and rarely killed one. (motherfuckers hear the twang and duck…
Oops - I hope vocabulary wasn’t too big a word for you.
Or maybe you just need to expand your vocabulary more and stop using words you discovered on twitter.
Been wanting to play this game since I first bought it on Xbox in 2011, and again on Steam a few years ago. Trouble is I have an 8 year old and in our little apartment very little privacy... Sigh I might have to wait until she’s in college at this rate.
I really hope they get the controls down right. Gamepad controls back in the late 90s and early 2000s were clunky things so I’m really hoping they’ve smoothed it out and made left stick camera, right stick movement now.
They don’t have controller support for those games. It’s all mouse and keyboard. Fuck that noise.
Absolutely. The storytelling on TV the past decade has been far better than the majority of the swill hollywood puts out now. Also with season long story arcs now - it should be more than enough to show that a writer can sustain a 2 hour storyline.
Now you’re making false equivalencies. We’re talking about doing something to change our climate. Not making bombs. Removing CFCs was simple enough, nothing in nature creates CFCs naturally to deplete our ozone. (not as far as I’m aware at any rate) Carbon however, is a natural part of our environment and you can…
Big difference between identifying a man made chemical as an environmental hazard and stopping it, and identifying a naturally occurring gas in nature that trees absorb (and thrive on) that even if the whole human race stopped emitting would STILL be produced by nature and is in fact necessary for our planet.
And every generation believed they had an environmental crisis that turned out to be nothing.
I loved it back in the day. But cringe at how breaking the 4th wall became such a cliche, SO many people started doing that and it became such a 90s thing to do.
Do they even get residuals like actors in mainstream television and movies? It sounds like they get totally screwed over... and on the other topic - I would be very interested in Mia’s experiences and other things she has to say. It’s a shame that was ignored.
Yup they did. I’ve heard it was even better than the first one, but alas - it doesn’t have controller support so I haven’t played it. I DO own the actual CDs, and my case is buried somewhere in my pile of computer stuff... I really should dig it out sometime.
I can still use M&K but my wrist hurts and my back aches after too long at it. I really don’t understand the prejudice against controllers from these people. Joystick gaming has been around a LOT longer than M&K for good reason, it’s just more comfortable and intuitive.
I’m stunned World of Warcraft still hasn’t gotten…