I have. It’s very clunky.
I have. It’s very clunky.
If you’re just using a joystick emulator to make it work - not it isn’t very enjoyable. It has to be done properly by pretty much rewriting the program with controller support.
There’s a great many older games I wish that could be done for. Elite Force 1 and 2 are at the top of my list for games I wish could be redone…
looks like a floating dildo
It would need to be completely reprogrammed but a contoller interface wouldn’t be impossible.
Yeah those jammed me up for a long time, I’d quit the game for months or even years because of how goddamn boring and pointless the fetch quests are. Hang in there, it gets MUCH better once you get onto Heavensward content.
Similar experience the other night fighting Ramuh Extreme. After wiping several times I looked up the mechanics. Understood it and explained it... no one really listened to me and after a few more attempts I had to go and get my kid to bed. Trials are usually quickie dungeons. This one had lasted 45 mins and I was…
I wish he would patch it to work with modern controllers. I really don’t like Mouse/Keyboard.
Fuck. The. Jumping. Puzzles. GOD I hate them. I skip them in FFXIV everytime I come across one. SO goddamn annoying.
America’s cult of Patriotism is mind boggling
I’m amazed this game is still running and it still has a large player base.
Well aren’t you special. That’s not the average person.
It’s pretty strict in my province too but people do it ALL the goddamn time. Drives me ape shit. I do not care what’s on your FB that’s so amazing. Get your eyes on the road and stop holding everyone back after the light has been a solid green for 30 seconds.
Stupid. Fucking. People.
So... one to watch when totally stoned?
LOL I like the others but I don’t think I could ever take to whinging. Something about the way it goes on my tongue feels like too much work for an epithet. And after reading the Wheel of Time - bloody is definitely in my vocabulary.
Absolutely, the best part about this MMO is it’s support for solo experiences. This is honestly the only MMO I like simply because it has such a great balance for soloing AND group play
How do you say whinging? Is it win-gh-ing? I’ve never understood that spelling. I spell wine-ing as whining.
Nintendo is really irritating. I hated the Wii and it’s controls.. I hate their overweening desire to control everything, they’re almost as bad as apple. If it wasn’t for the few games I really like I’d just roll my eyes and ignore them completely.
If he wants to change the way we game, then he’s going to need to…
My daughter tried that once. It didn’t fly - it only pissed me off supremely and she was grounded. Make sure it costs them more than the pleasure of antagonizing you was worth. It’ll quickly lose it’s shine.
Honestly I do too. If you don’t back up your threats with action, you’re just a bag of wind.