
Read an article recently that pointed out if every one in our city had an electric vehicle - our power grid would not be able to handle the demand.  So... there’s that.

Was fine for me.  I turned the light off, set the brightness and contrast on my TV... Saw everything just fine.

Now if only Microsoft could fix the issue with Excel while in Dark Mode. Everything I print in Excel when in dark mode comes out completely black. And much of the text disappears.

Shit job but someones gotta do it.

Omid sounds like a really religious fundamentalist.  Hopefully someone shows him the light... one way or the other. :P

That’s true.  I loved the slow mo kill shots.

Guess you’ve never heard of Grand Theft Auto.


Hope it’s as good as Jedi Academy and not like that shit smear that was Force Unleashed.

I’m not really too thrilled about this.  The ONLY thing I might like about it is perhaps disney finally opening their goddamn vault and allowing us to watch their back catalogue.  There’s some Sunday night movies from the 80s I wouldn’t mind seeing again.  Even a few movies (The Castaways to think of one) from times

I used to invest that kind of time back when I was in my 20s and was single. But now I’m 42 with a kid and a full time job and I just can’t take the kind of time it does to get THAT good at just one game. There’s so many out there, and I only have so much time. I just want to have fun playing the way I like to play.


I had a headache and I was cranky but I really do hate the term.  It just sounds absolutely moronic.  And why?  A few extra letters and you’ve spelt the whole thing out.  I just don’t understand why people need to create terrible words when the original worked just fine.

I FUCKING Hate the term journos and I’ve seen it too goddamn much today.  It’s lazy, it’s incorrect and it’s SPELT Fucking Journalist.  Goddammit.  UGH!

YES!!  I play games to have fun.  When I play Splinter Cell or Hitman, I want to feel like Jason Bourne.  If I don’t I WILL fucking mod it until I feel like I’m enjoying the game.  Why the FUCK should anyone else, even the developers, care what I do in the privacy of my own home?

Fetusberry needs to chill.  It’s a game, not a goddamn math test.  If you cheat in a single player game, guess what - it hurts no one.  Not even me.

Because she would have had the baby at 14, seriously, how many 14 year olds in America keep the baby? They’re still in grade 7 or 8 FFS. More likely an older family member takes the baby and raises it, or she gives it up for adoption. Assuming her BF is the same age, he would’ve been 14 years old too, if it’s the same

It’s a free market, and frankly it’s concerning whenever a monopoly exists.


THIS is the Star Wars game I want a real sequel too.  KOTOR3.  Not that fucking MMO.

Nah it just makes her a despicable human being.  Sorry - she pisses me off.  The rest of the movie I LOVED.  But that one part made me rage.