
Why not just start over?  It sucks but... Wouldn’t that make more sense?

Condemned... That game scared the shit out of me...

LMAO my god I’ve forgotten about that. good memories.

I don’t understand how these companies just lose this stuff... It would make sense to keep copies of your original code, and it’s probably NOT that much effort to do so.

Don’t blame you.  I don’t mind competition, but I’m certainly not going to pay a subscription to multiple streaming services. :P

You referring to Titans on Netflix?  Or Teen Titans the cartoon?  I liked the live action Netflix show - it’s great fun.

You must be a fucking troll

You’re delusional if you think justice exists in the system.  It’s even less so for women and minorities.

Damn, I did not know this.  I was a teen in the 90s so it was a purile joke to many of us.  And as a kid in a religious household I was fairly sheltered from the details.

So...  Losing money because not as many subscribers?

Another glaring difference is the amount of alcohol necessary to wipe out a migraine (if it succeeds, and I can tell you alcohol doesn’t necessarily numb a migraine all the time) would leave me severely compromised mentally.

I can use cannabis to end a migraine and remain completely sober and functional.

The difference is after the alcohol wears off, you have an even worse headache.   With Cannabis there is no hangover and no negative side effects.

Here’s some science for you.  I get a migraine - I take a hit off my vape.  My migraine is gone.  Amazing right?  I’ve got friends who are epileptic and they’ve gotten rid of all their pharmaceuticals as the cannabis completely controls their epilepsy.  But hey - you do you.  Just keep your fucking hands off my weed.

Wow.  Must’ve been one of those sacred cows.

Wow - hope you had a dash cam of that.  That would be a thing of wonder.  Only thing I ever saw come close was when 3 guys with shotguns saw the same gopher... Nothing left but a bloody mound.

Ohhh I’ve gotten messed up on a vape too.  Depends on the strain and how much I vape, but if I overdo it I’ll get chills, nausea and anxiety.  It’s not fun but it doesn’t last very long.  Edibles on the other hand...

LOL Okay Nancy Regan

Or you just found a strain that interacted with you differently.

Yep thats why I tend to vape. I’ll make tinctures and oils but I’ve largely given up on any kind of edibles.

THC doesn’t depress lung function at all.