
I’m so old I remember when we used to play marbles in the playground, not Pogs....

RIGHT?!  Why target Chris Pratt?  Why not just go after every person she hosts on her show about how homophobic their personal religion is.  She’ll get pretty unfamous fucking fast. LOL

Eh, Religion.  Who gives a fuck?

I’ve tried recapturing that old lovin’ feeling by replaying old games but... It’s really true what they say “You can never go back home.”  The circumstances that made those games so nostalgic is forever gone.  I can’t go back in time, mind and soul to what I was.  That’s simply impossible.  But you can sure as hell

Meh cultural appropriation was invented to give another reason for people to get angry at other people.

And nauseating.  <shudder>

I can’t stomach watching the videos and had to scroll past some of those stills.  how the FUCK does someone’s nose DO that?!

Right?  LOL  It’s hilarious, but yeah you’re right on the fax thing.  Even back in the 90s it took a few tries to figure out. syncing the fax modem and everything.  

WTF.  This isn’t rocket science or barrel coopering - how do they NOT know how to do this out the gate?

GOD I miss those days....

Ah that makes sense.

All the same - I don’t think Americans or Canadians would be lining up in droves to the exent those Koreans are.  Most of us who want a PS4 already have one, and the Pro isn’t really worth sitting up for you if you already have a PS4.

LOL Mr. Passion is so even-handed himself.

No more detail?  Like why he went to Taco Bell with a grenade?  Was he just showing it to someone?  Did he think there were bomb techs there?  WHY?  I’m absolutely baffled by this story.

It’s arguable that there are far darker periods of history than WW2 - attaching all of it’s evils to one symbol is about as ignorant as attaching all blessings coming from an idol we have made out of gold.  Either way - you’re creating a sacred cow which will eventually get tipped over.

Aside from WW II and the Nazis - the swastika was not always used as a symbol for tyranny or evil. 100 years from now, it may likely be used again without the attached taboo. Many of our cultural sensitivities are just that... cultural. Unless you have grown up in THIS culture, or one associated to it, you will likely

Come to Vancouver, every fucking jackass out here drives in the left lane.  I pass in the right ALLLLL the time.

You must get fingered a lot.

The resentment is mutual. Where I live they typically put posted speed limits at 20-30kph below what the road was designed for. I can that being necessary if it was icy and snowy all 4 fucking seasons of the year. But pardon the fuck out of me if I feel like driving the design speed (Not the posted speed) on a clear

Why is SK so late to the PS4 party?  It’s been out for what? 4 years? Almost 5?