
Wow... Suddenly starting to dislike some things about Japan.

I tried it and I really tried to like it but... I don’t.  It’s nothing like it’s predecessors and doesn’t even try to improve on it.  It’s ok.  But It’s nothing special.

Hmmm which system to get for.  Pc or switch?  I'm torn.  It's about time we could cross save our games.

I’ve quit Tumblr entirely.  If I wanted pictures - I’d stick to Instagram. :P

Absolute horse shit, I want to find these guys and rip their nads off.  Can we do that?

We never had those fairs back in Canada, at least not that I knew of.  But god some of those pictures... The Software boxes and that 8086... brings back memories

The more I hear about him, the more I think “Wow... fuck that guy.”

Buddhism? Confucius? Taoism? Superstition? China’s puritan laws are rooted in some form of superstition. Most cultures have similar ridiculous taboos. Science has always been held back by such things. Just look at what has happened to slow down stem cell research by decades. The drug war has in part been fueled by the

We live in the fucking dark ages.  Far as I’m concerned he should get a medal for pushing the boundaries of science.  Bullshit religious and superstitious based morality be damned.

I never proposed to argue the legalities of it. I’m glad it worked out for you.

I’ve even pondered doing a DNR for myself. I’ve read that even people brought back from the brink of death from CPR can come back significantly diminished in capacity afterwards. Some have reported wishing they had been allowed to die.


Personally if I was locked in a body unable to interact with the world for any length of time - I would hope someone would either off me or allow me to die in peace. 10 fucking years lying in a bed, if she has ANY awareness at all would be complete torture.

I simply do not understand our society’s obsession with

*YAWN* Call me jaded, I’ve heard so many promises from so many politicians.  They usually mess up as much as they clean up.  If they even keep their promises at all.  Just another in a long line of clowns promising to change the world but doing little for it.

It was the 70s.  I doubt the FBI would pay too much attention.

Only one thing I disagree with on this article.  Jamie has every right to go after Bonnet.  He has gone too far, he has murdered his associates, stolen from Jamie and his wife, and on top of that he’s raped his daughter?  Fuck off man, that’s no way to repay someone who freed you from certain death.  His daughter was

LOL You obviously didn’t look in Newgroups.  LOL

Unplug everything.  If she’s vegetative she won’t feel it at all anyways.

If she’s in a vegetative state, why are they keeping her alive?

I just wish every Ultima from 9 and on would be converted to U7's style... even U6's would be fine.  I really detest the first person shit he’s done.  It doesn’t feel like Ultima.

You’re right, my patience for grinding and bullshit has gone as I aged.  I’ve been playing Final Fantasy 9 with some of the cheats on because I just can’t be bothered to grind and earn XP, AP and gil anymore.  There was a time when I loved that shit, but now - I just don’t have the time for that crap and am quite

Was interested until you said the story sucks...  And if the story’s no good, why play the game?