
Not if you’re talking about aspects of your job.  I can talk all day about drafting on here and it has NOTHING to do with my company but rather the challenges in my field of work.

That’s a total horse shit move on ArenaNet’s part but so typical of this age of increasing corporate sensitivity when it’s not really called for.  In a sense this is social media terrorism and ArenaNet just bowed down to terrorists.

Addiction is almost always rooted in trying to cope with something in life that overwhelms the victim. :(

And now a SEAL has died as a result.   And there’s still a good chance this entire group will still die as there’s a storm coming in today.  Fucking tragic.  A pity we don’t have teleporter technology yet.

Crap like this is why I hate buying cars from private sellers.  Was looking for a cheap beater to drive to work and back a couple months ago.   And holy shit the turd balls people wanted to sell me and the bald faced lies I got from every seller.  Probably would’ve been easier just to build my own car. :P

Now is the time for Team Scorpion!

I’m probably going to regret clicking that link...

That’s smart.  Meditation and fasting combined CAN do wonders psychologically.  Wow.

No article I’ve read on this has answered this question... Why the fuck did these kids go in those caves to begin with??

I only tip if someone’s giving me service. A restaurant where I’m being sit down and waited on - I’ll tip. A pick up order, or a coffe shop? No. Hey if I feel like it and have some change, sure I’ll throw something in there.

Our culture has gotten TOO much tipping going on if you ask me. Do you tip your mechanic? Or

If they can get rid of the bullshit competition between all the consoles and PC and unify all games no matter what platform it’s played on AND eliminate having to purchase the same game for each frigging platform I play on.... I’m all for it.

I’d probably be more interested in what games the switch has on the shop if they would pull their fucking shop out of alpha, or beta, or whatever fucking mode it’s in and I could actually browse it. The UI for it is incredibly obtuse and not at ALL customer friendly.

My parents had a pachinko machine in our house growing up.  God the hours I used to play on it.  Sigh.  Made me nostalgic.

Oh thank god I didn’t do that... I’ve seriously considered it though.  I wish bidets were a thing in this country.

And then you have to put up with it for 4 years with no way to exact penalties for not keeping your promises and lying to the public... great system.

Neverlock FTW!

OMG yeah the code wheels, but those were easy to break. You just copy em on a copy machine, cut em out and then use a butterfly pin and voila. I did that with Monkey Island to create a backup because if I lost that wheel - my game was F$c#ed,

Didn’t know Sim City was copy protected.  My copy of Sim City 2000 wasn’t.

You had to be an alien to hold that thing.

But you had to be willing to do that. If you did though, God those stories and the music just gave you feels...

BTW I don’t know if you ever saw KA in Vegas, but the vibe from that show made me totally think of Lost Odyssey

Many fond memories of the early XBOX and 360 years. Those consoles brought me back into gaming after being away for 10 years to grow up, socialize, and discover sex... I needed to get my fun back on.