
My dad and I found a way around the “copy proof” red and black dark paper stuff. We just videotaped the codes. LOL It was slow going but hey - it worked.

But the Robot wasn’t the cause of the station’s destruction. It was destroyed by a black hole....

Nice headline - about as racist as “Black people are hypocrites”

I remember secretly installing LL4 on my PC in my bedroom and sweating bullets every time I played as my fundamentalist baptist parents might come in the room any time. It never occured to me that they might not really know the difference between KQ5 and LL4 on my computer screen unless someone was actually naked at

I worked at future shop in the late 90s. Those games came in those packets of CD’s which were like “10 games for $20!” which were always on circulars and pretty popular for families buying their first computer.

Yep I remember those good old days. I ran a BBS and that was pretty handy for access the forums on FidoNet and getting hints and tips on virtually every game out there.

There was even an old bulletin my friend used to get by mail, fuck if I can’t remember the name of it, but it was chock full of hints, tips and tricks

LOL obviously this is a republican trick. Fake news! I’m sure the dems are being targeted by burger spitters.

hM i Suppose I should finish Bravely Second. I loved Bravely Default but Second just bored me and I got near the end but never finished...

that shit is so annoying. Doctors presuming that people who actually NEED medical help simply assuming they’re coming in to get high. Fuuuuuck off - If I wanted drugs, I wouldn’t go to emerg for it. Who the fuck wants to sit around in emergency for hours? I sure as hell don’t.

Here’s a thought, why not ignore the whole trope bullshit and let people tell stories how they want to tell them and then vote with your wallet. So much fucking whining over the new social morality over violence and sex. fuck off, play the game or don’t.

Wow her screen is amazing, how are the graphics so sharp?!

Did you say the same thing when they were obsessed with water? Hair? Etc... There’s always the next bar to jump over and by god they’ll jump it.

LOL Mailboxes - I love the visual.

It’s kind of SE’s MO now... they tease shit for a couple console generations before delivering. So maybe FF7 will be out on PS6?

“I mean, she he has no reputation. If you’re going to sell your body conscience for money, you just don’t have a reputation. I may be old-fashioned, I don’t know.”

The world could do with a little less self righteousness.

You can only perceive based on experience of what you’ve been exposed to... So yeah if all you’ve ever seen is violent imagery, all you’re going to see when you look at ink blots is <drumroll> violent imagery. This says nothing about perverting AI into a sadistic mindset.

Curse of Monkey Island sucked, inane puzzles that have no logical explanation? Check. The first two were way better.

Here’s a tip, instead of being moral police, how about you just being a frigging retailer and sell us the goods we pay for? As long as it’s not illegal, why the fuck should you care?

I don’t get it. Irony is a set of circumstances, not a sound.