
This is why you don’t go to Richmond, BC without many prayers and much insurance.

None of the DA games have matched the original for storytelling. They’re all decent games, but it’s like the difference from a B- to an A+

I think that’s the biggest obstacle for me - finding that 40 mins. I’m just so busy with work, raising my family, and the itty bitty amount of gaming I actually do is about my only ME time... But one day - I definitely DO intend to learn to read Japanese.

My PC is the family entertainment system, so if we’re watching netflix on it, at least I can play on my switch.

I don’t know why, but stuff like this makes me wish I could read Japanese.

Yep. Went through a very similar situation. Nearly ruined my marriage because I held onto that regret and it colored everything in my life.

You live and you learn though. At least, God I hope we learn...

Is it possible games have just become too large now? I used to finish games but now it’s happening less and less....

Bingo. I did go on a rebound once when I was young. Not worth it. I dated the girl but didn’t really like her very much. At the end I realized I had used her and broke her heart and ultimately felt like a total shit. I’ve never been proud of that relationship.

When it comes to ANY kind of relationship - honesty is

Problem is - I use a cochlear implant and my taste in music is rather eclectic. Most people HATE my musical taste cuz unfortunately I don’t have the audio fidelity of full stereo sound that hearing people typically have. Thus my range of enjoyable listening is rather difficult to find. My wife finds my music

*could* be wrong

Love the last point about readability. Too many games have large swathes of text. I’m all for subtitles, as I’m hard of hearing, but if you have long boring length of dialogue and shit... I’mma going to the next game on my hit list - thanks.

Well that might have been me when I was young and single. Now I only have two game categories, “The game I’m playing now” and “The game I wish I had more time to play”....

Because all we see is the end result, but cults often begin quite innocently and it’s a slow game of seduction where you give a little more trust every step of the way until finally you don’t know what you’ve gotten into.

That crap was fine when I was a kid and handle oodles of time to screw around, but now that I’m an adult with a limited amount of gaming time - cutting out the bullshit is highly appreciated. You don’t necessarily have to hold my hand - but if I was I was physically present in that world - don’t you think the quality

Damn, wish I knew that. My whole childhood I had a couple lines of dead pixels on my Gameboy. Pretty much from day 1, but no matter how many times I exchanged it at the Toys R us there would always be a problem with it, so I just lived with it and figured that’s the way it went with gameboys....

Oh fuck, I remember how PISSED I was about the fucking price gouge at the grand canyon near Las Vegas, drove 2 hours on shitty roads to deal with a shitty tourist trap that cost an arm and leg. Jesus. And that was in 2008

LOL I must’ve said half of those to my daughter last week on Easter Vacation.

I’m actually going through the repair process on my 3DS too. So far they’ve said it’ll only be $106 no matter what. Which to me is extremely generous. I’m hoping it stays that way any nothing changes... We’ll see.

I wanna know the story behind that comment too...

Same, I finally pulled out my 3DS again only to discover it’s got some weird freezing issue. Have had to send it in for repair. Here’s hoping it comes back quickly.