
Peach was my favorite, she could hover the longest. Dammit, now I want to replay. Wonder if it’s available for Switch?

And the sad thing is - where can you go? Sure if you want to go to some middle of no where place that has no running water, no facilties... I mean nothing that we’ve grown so accustomed to as a life for ourselves. The bottom line is - there isn’t much of anywhere in the world that isn’t ruled by banking and politics

The fact that you have to ask which one - means there’s far too many.

Because we’ve become a culture of SJW’s who think everything is a cross to bear and rage against.

Truly. Everytime I go to their store now, they never have what I want. Everything is being sold on their web page now. It’s truly irritating.

Funny thing. I bought MEA right out of the gate when it was released and I hated it... picked it up again a couple months ago and now I love it. I don’t know if they added patches or maybe my perspective has changed but... I love it now.

Frankly - I think every kind of technologist should be unionized. If you give support via computers - it should be unionized. Gaming is only one aspect to the technology industry that gets abused. Along with the capacity to increase workload via computer, so goes the capacity for abuse by management and corporations.

I wonder if guys ever do that... measure their dicks. What kind of ruler do they use? Is it in Imperial or Metric? Do they measure to the tip? So many questions...

Oh god, when I was young and stupid I shot the air from the BB gun into my cousin’s ear. Stupidest thing I could ever have done. Obviously he went into a blind rage and kicked my ass. Damn lucky I didn’t blow his ear drum or worse - killed him. I’m a dad now, and if I caught my kid doing that...

Thank GOD we didn’t have access to handguns when I was a kid. My brother chasing me with an axe was hair raising enough.

Well dammit, where the hell does Adam and Eve fit in all this? ;)

Not gonna get you out of the grays for such an obnoxious comment. I’m commenting on the value of the switch, not the value of our dollar.

Oh yes, I remember gazing at that poster longingly and wishing for opportunities of my own...

Is this for Switch only? I’m not buying that thing until it’s at a much more reasonable price point. Sorry $400 CDN (before taxes) is way too much. And $70 CDN per game? Eff off.

I really wish I could bring my NG+ over from the PS4...

Now if only they can fix their Windows Update bug

omg how many times do you have to say “it’s going to be..” until you realize you sound like a total fucking douche??

It just doesn’t really engage me. I get sidetracked by other more fun games. And TBH, the whole schedule thing and everything in P4G feels too much like RL. I just want to have fun.

I read this one as a child but I don’t remember much about it. Other books have stuck with me over time though. Some I can’t even remember the titles of. Others like “Persistence of Memory” by Karen Ripley are no longer published and no one else has ever seem to have heard of them. And still others like “NeverEnding

Funny enough Persona 4 is my “moby dick” I’ve been trying to finish it for... God about as long as I’ve owned by Vita which is probably about 6 years or so...I can finish tons of other RPG’s. But not this one.

Sounds like SMT might be too rage-quitting for me though.