
Sweet Jesus, thank God I lived in a time before SJW existed and the internet.

Honestly I thought this was going to turn into a horror story where he broke his dick... I sure as hell wouldn’t jab something into my member for any reason short of death or a broken dick.

Yeah I figured out a little while later that there’s Sword Of Mana and Secret of Mana so... SOM is a terrible acronym to use because there’s two games with the same initials. Meh, anyways.

I tried the Sword of Mana remake last night... It’s NOTHING like Final Fantasy Adventure. Ugh it’s terrible. Now I might just put

Sword of Mana was a great remake of the original Mana game (Final Fantasy Adventure) from the Game Boy, improving the art and music and adding more detail and content without crowding out the focus of the original. SoMremake is basically the opposite

Do a refresh of the web page. It’s a kinja glitch.

God what a beautiful time machine you wrote. Brings back a lot of memories of the late 70s and early 80s. (I was pretty much born around the end of the Atari era). Love the pics too.

Every reason I don’t play MP games at all - right there. It’s just too difficult to juggle when you have a kid. And even if wifey is around to help - SHE wants your attention too... So - nope. Ain’t happening

I tried to play D2 the “proper” way. After restarting multiple times I raged and killed everyone in the game. “That feels better” I said, and I continued to do more of the same. Screw sneaking around and doing it “properly”. I’m a dad too and don’t have time for bullshit like that.

Not available in some countries.

Cultural Appropriation and the person who invented it can go take a flying fuck down the side of a steep cliff into hell.

Well I wonder if my game’s performance will improve once they remove Denuvo. My new rig I built in the summer handles everything thrown at it, but ACO tends to dip on the FPS unless I turn settings down low.

Got a 280x (would REALLY like to upgrade but at these prices eff that)

I’ve never understood the pick up artist thinking. Do they really think women are progammable automatons they just need to say the right combination of words and *SPROING* her legs open and her vapid eyes call for shagging? Seriously - so disrespectful to women.

I really wish SE would make your saves portable from PS4 to PC.

I’m quite amazed that the guy hasn’t already been killed by the fathers of these victims. Seriously - almost 300 young girls are sexually abused by one creepy ass fuck - that’s alot of angry fathers ready to disembowel this @#$%!

Our kid is 6, she has no access to YouTube except on the family computer where we can all see what she’s watching. She’s only allowed YouTube Kids app on her tablet or our phones. Frankly - I loathe a good amount of the shit she finds on there, and GOD my kid’s thinking is weird, she wants to watch the most disturbing

tbh almost every game I throw at it knocks it out of the park. Asassins Creed: Origins however is the only thing so far that makes it cough and sputter. I’ve had to turn down alot of the graphics settings in that one to keep the FPS popping smoothly. But $500 or more for a GPU just to play AC:O at high settings is

I’m SO glad I upgraded back in June. I’m still floored that the 8gb stick of DDR4 I bought for $70 is now $150. I had dropped $1k for this upgrade so I was holding off and upgrading from my 280x and was planning to buy a 1060 at Christmas... Sigh.

That’s on hold now until this fucking debacle is over with. I thought

Now if only could AFFORD a frigging GPU right now. Had my eye on one before Christmas but the price tag just went up another $100. fuck that noise, I’ll wait.

thing is they made it on Wii and I loathe the Wii controllers and only suffer it for my kid.

Steve Jobs didn’t really add value - he basically took other’s inventions and made it his own IP and then sued anyone else for daring to use anything similar. He’s a fucking cockroach and I’m not at all sad at his passing. He joins the ranks of Edison for the greedy evil power hungry bastards.