
Me either. there was a time when I would buy any Bioware game on faith that it was great... That time has passed.

Yes KOTOR 3 because that fucking MMO is NOT the same thing.

I preferred Wing commander but god those screen shots from the 90s are a thing of beauty.

LOL Points to Pastor Scumsucker for being original in a field of cliches.

It looks like the cover of an Asimov novel from the 70s...

It really is dumb though. I know his name is Link but seriously- why wasn’t it Zelda from the beginning? Who gives a fuck about the stupid princess?

I would like to send napalm to my old comics... the ones that motherfuckers stole out of my storage unit 3 years ago. I hope those pages turn to acid and melt your fucking skin of your bones if you’re reading this.

Or maybe Link just needs upgrade his hugging game?

Oooh! Yay! Good cuz I really don’t want to dig out either my ps3 or 360...

Wow... Things I didn’t know about Matt Damon... so many things...

Not in Canada

Wow this week’s letters are almost comical.

Ok now I need to know the etymology of frankly. Frankly - I’m annoyed, thanks alot! ;)

For me - I just wanted to see how the other half grows up... and I felt biologically driven to have a kid... and now I love her like crazy. She drives me ape shit most days because she’s 6, doesn’t listen, thinks she knows everything and yada yada... but I love her ferociously and adore her mom. So yeah... If you

Actually the first few months I was able to game because she was always napping. It was wonderful. Once she started MOVING though, jesus christ, if it wasn’t portable - I wasn’t playing on it. I had to constantly keep ONE eye trained on her at least and be able to quickly throw it aside and save her from whatever

You mean, voting actually works? Yes I’m extremely pessimistic now. I’m pretty sure the whole damn thing is rigged.

I was thinking something more violent up his anus... Pear of Pain perhaps?

Wife got an update to her Nexus 6p last night... not sure what it was as I didn’t look too closely but it appeared to be a system update.

Add cannabis oil to it - and it REALLY does work wonders...

Stars are just not enough - you need an