
Unfortunately - In Canada there’s no nationwide DNR registry. People have been resuscitated against their will because the ER simply COULD NOT know there was a DNR in place. The tattoo idea is excellent because it forces them to stop and reconsider, and frankly - there’s lot of good reasons to have a DNR. I’d be

But we usually have real world restrictions that prevent anyone under the age of majority to be purchase these substances. And frankly - I really don’t want to see something that has long been a positive influence in my life become another fucking thing that evil fucks use to fuck over other people.

Of all the FF’s I liked 7 the least... Totally agree with your reasons

40 hours and he finished the game? Probably skipped alot of shit too.

That’s where everyone typically went but there was the exact same quest for different items in Mhaura.

Man - we can’t restore personal freedom, never mind political freedom, how the fuck do we think we can keep internet freedom?!

Chocobo license - Jeuno, Subjob flag was always either in Valkurm or that other city that the ship goes to from Valkurm... God I don’t remember it’s name. That reminds me, the long long long real time waits to take a ship anywhere... FFS

I had great experiences in that game, despite it’s brutal demands. Deleveling and all that shit. But what I don’t miss is hours LFP, and never having enough gil for something my job NEEDED. And worst of all - my white mage might as well be wearing a paper bag for all the good her armor did her. I was hopelessly

I was surprised she was still alive, and hoping the news was good news... then I saw what she said and my jaw dropped.

Cool - might check that out, thanks for the info!

I haven’t finished P4 and I started it about... 3years ago? P5 looks intriguing but I’m worried I’ll get bored of it like I did P4...

I tried to watch Metropolis... Got bored. Goonies FTW.

Seriously - I could watch a movie about shadow puppets and as long as Karen Gillan is in it - I would be absolutely transfixed

I love this game - years later it still resonates with me in a way Heavy Rain didn’t. I really need to replay...

Oh NVM I accidentally missed that part.

It was? Where was Calgary featured in here?

Seems to me every time they try to get environmental about something - they really fuck it up... Kind of a divine comedy that way...

Funny - I never did. I would’ve felt bad about it and I wasn’t sure if there was a hidden in game penalty for being a thieving asshat.

With EA - it’s a bait and switch. With MTG - it’s the nature of the game. Also - it’s not so much gambling as the loot boxes are. I can’t quite put it into words but it’s intrinsically different in a combat game than it is from a card game.

It really is creepy. They get upset about fascism and other governmental evils overseas and in the past - but are completely blind to their own rabid demand for others to fall in line. America - don’t you dare insult their guns, flag, or Bible. It’s their goddamn holy trinity.