
I’m really tired of accepting what a bunch of fucking suits in a building I’ll never even approach - decide about what’s right, wrong and acceptable for our society regardless of how the majority feel about it.

I hate religion - so I’m wishing Katy Perry all the luck. Hope she rips that woman a new...

THANK GOD!!!! I have relatives that have asshole doctors who let them drive for FAR TOO long.

Well when I was 19 and going to church one particularly cold sunday night... The parking lot was a total sheet of ice and to boot it was on a fekking hill. I’m 19 and been driving for less than a year (that’s a whole other story) and being fresh behind the wheel I didn’t know wtf to do when I could no longer stop or

Oh that one, well yes - I was assuming he was trying to find a way to save the relationship.

For the sake of education on my part... what other options? I’m almost afraid to ask...

I used to be on anti-depressants for migraine prevention. So I’m quite familiar with how it can make you overweight and your sex drive taking a huge hit. Once I got off that crap and started using cannabis instead - my sex drive shot up. And depending what strain I use I can get VERY horny.

No shit. I really despise people who demonize masturbation. It’s a necessary outlet - does she WANT him to cheat? Because that’s the only option if she’s not able to fulfill his needs.

Side note: I’ve heard cannabis can help depression and would be worlds better for your sex drive than that pharmaceutical shit.

RIGHT? Or being that moral busy body from church who thinks everyone should toe his personal set of 10 commandments. :P

This trainwreck dude sounds like “the birth of Jack the Ripper” jesus christ - it’s a game dude. Get over it.

Oh come on now folks, he could be working in the Church library. Don’t want to offend God. Y’know, he’s a hell of a fucking asshole sometimes ;)

LOL Awesome article, timeless!

Glad I didn’t buy it... I subscribe to “Fool me once, shame on you - Fool me twice....”

If this is for real - it really goes to show how toxic and over the top Gamer culture can be. Seriously - it’s a game folks. Don’t like it? Don’t buy it. Death threats and other violence is total bullshit and unnecessary.

Oh fuck, you guys did it again, thought I was going somewhere else and instead I landed in “The Root”. Sneaky sneaky.

Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but my daughter wants to play the original... where can I get it? Do I have to dig out my old Game for Windows Live DVD?

Witcher 1 is fairly playable... not sure how you handled Witcher 2 though, the control scheme is maddening.

LMAO I’m not surprised. I’m still pissed at the first Battlefront - I’ve no desire to get screwed over a second time.

And he got PAID to do this... lucky...

Ashley Judd?