
Hitman is NOT fun. I thought I’d enjoy being a hitman, but it’s so unforgiving of your mistakes you have to be meticulous. Screw that. I do meticulous every day at work in engineering. Gaming is my time to NOT be anal.


The thing I don’t get is how they think it’s a sustainable long term career. Eventually the bottom is going to drop out on PUBG streaming. You’re not guaranteed an audience on the next big things. So how do you transition? What if the next big thing isn’t for you? Do you go back to your former job? Will it be

Oh I totally agree. I just wish I could participate more in group stuff, but it looks like even with perfect hearing - it’s not always a positive experience.

I’m hard of hearing - so online gaming REALLY doesn’t appeal to me precisely for this very reason. Some of it is dependent on audible communication. :P Multiplayer is just NOT fun for me.

Add to that, some people starting to click, talk away and I can’t keep up and hear them... Really not fun.

Happens to me everytime I click what I think might be an interesting article and I get taken to “The Root”

It blows my mind how their minds work. I can’t draw for shit.

Yep. I found my wandering as I played it. It bored me. I would constantly be thinking of something else more fun I could do. Witcher 3 doesn’t do that to me, it grabs you by the balls and only lets go cuz RL shit has to be done.

What’s so frustrating is that George really did come up with a fantastic story - but has no business making film unless he’s relegated to only doing special effects. Star Wars really IS his brain child, but once he released it to the masses - it became OURS. He might have held a copyright to it, but fuck - we fell in

I remember flashes of things from those days but not a consistent trail of memories. I imagine some of us are more genetically disposed to retaining and recalling memories more easily. My mother’s side has dementia, and that might have something to do with it. My more consistent memories are from later years.

Also - my

I really hope you’re joking...

Why??? I don’t remember ANYTHING from my pre-school days.

I’ve heard that... Euphemism before. Usually intending to say “That was mindblowingly awesome!” it’s baffling how these individuals think getting your nads crushed is a wonderful experience. I’m sure future archaeologist who come across this phrase will be utterly baffled and wonder about the biology of their

Yeah I got bored. I wanted the story to progress but unfortunately it expected me to grind FAR too much. It really halted the flow of the game.

I have my PC hooked up to the main TV. Great for playing games as much as watching netflix. But unfortunately, netflix’s controls do not lend nicely to a PC remote. I don’t know WHY they haven’t figured that out AGES ago. It’s quite irritating and one of the major reasons why I don’t use Netflix unless I REALLY want

LOL I was actually referring to real world weather.

I really wish they would make an official Kodi App. Be nice to control everything with a remote control instead of a goddamn mouse.

LOL Move to Canada - THEN you might actually have something to bitch about. Our Netflix selection is horrendous up here, but for my kid - it’s worth it still.

That’s if you assign moral character to evil. But the basic definition of evil is “to break”. You can apply it to nearly every time you use the word evil. For example “The hurricane that hit Florida was an evil catastrophe” Could a hurricane posses the moral character of evil? Not at all, it’s simply a destructive

Thanks to Alienware - I will never buy an overpriced laptop ever again.