
Don’t forget to run the switch for having a gated extended memory!

aH The good old days... I miss that.

Well the Bible DID say they were hung like donkeys and... or was it had emissions like donkeys? I forget... Haven’t read it in a while now...

I hate to break it to you, but once you’re dead... well... you’re dead. Ever been asleep? It’s just more like that. You don’t have a fucking clue what’s going on around you. Except in this case, no amount of noise, light or shaking is gonna get you up and moving so...

Don’t worry m’man. They won’t bother you none.

The sidequests are amazing. I mean they’re still essentially fetch quests but GOD the writers know how to make it FUN and enjoyable and thoroughly engaging. This game is total magic sauce - I don’t understand why I LOVE it so much.

I just drive for the conditions and traffic flow. The only accident I’ve had since my teens is when a moron was signalling their eventual right turn and I thought they meant the ACTUAL fucking turn immediately in front of them. Haven’t trusted a blinker signal again.

I’ll try it again when this damn weather stops beating my brain like a heavyweight boxer with no let up. It’s really hard to comprehend new ideas and shit when you’ve got a migraine.

I do have to say though, some of it makes no sense... The tiers and the weather thing. It adds so many dimensions to the game - it’s NOT

I suck at Gwent. The Baron kicks my ass every time. I stopped playing as losing isn’t really fun.

I really didn’t like him from the get go so I rarely had him in my party. Wasn’t really surprised about how things worked out with him by the end. what a prick.

You one of those left lane drivers that hold traffic back driving RIGHT at the speed limit?

Not too keen on signing in with my steam account...

It IS a massive wall of text and takes a while to get to the point so... Nah not gonna read it all.

Jesus how do you get this stat thing?

Well damn - that makes sense... I thought it was some kind of emergency parking space with concrete barricades or something. But that makes sense.

And it happens all the time in Canada too. :P

So? If they want to speed - let them pay the fine. It’s none of your business. Just stay in the right lane.

I live in a city full of tree huggers. And an abundance of a certain religion. I’m not sure if it’s the religion or environmentalism but - these fuckers all plod through a light at a phenomenally slow rate of speed. It drives me nuts at rush hour when everyone wants to go home and only 2 or 3 cars make it through the

LOL Would love to watch that.

Forgive an ignorant canadian but... what is a box?

A car gap is fine - a fucking bus length is not... particularly in a traffic jam where we’re going 10kph.... seriously WTF do you think is going to happen that you need a whole minute of reaction time?!