
I DONT GET THAT!!! You’re reversing and you’re not even LOOKING where you’re going?! Fuck.

The other peeve I have similar to this, is when I have to pull into a stall - there’s parking on both sides and it’s not a big lot. So when I pull in it’s not going to be a flawless turn, unless I back out and straighten - I’m

That’s funny - I leave at 7:05 every day to get to work around 7:30 even though my official start is 8. See - I like having that every 20 min buffer for shit to happen. If I get there early - I can read the paper, if I get there right on time, no sweat. RARELY am I ever late.

LOL - There have been reports coming out in the past few years that Mother Theresa’s “hospitals” were less than that and more along the lines of torture chambers. As you know, most of Christianity sees suffering as a noble thing that will benefit your soul in the afterlife. What possible motive, if she believes such

The only difference is that one has social legitimacy and the other doesn’t. I’ve yet to see a religion or cult that actually benefits not only it’s members but society as a whole. The most recent example; Buddhists are committing genocide in Myanmar, a religion that has a strong reputation for peace and loving all

Who do you think created evil?

Did you watch it? The whole thing was transparent AF. I’m sorry I just can’t swallow that horse shit. There were so many flaws to the story. And the whole “martha” thing. LOL stupid movie.

Frankly - that movie was the dumbest piece of crap I’ve ever seen. For the world’s greatest detective and the world’s most powerful man to be that fucking obtuse....

Religion is the best disguise evil ever wore. It’s just another word for cult.

Valve has long since settled to steering the company on cruise control. It wouldn’t take much for a viable and original competition to knock them over if it could get the united approval of gamers and carry virtually the same content.

The only reason people don’t walk away easily from Steam is because of the HUNDREDS

Pssst.... Tolkein sucks.

I don’t think we ever really emerged from the dark ages. If we had - people and our government would realize our greatest wealth is in PEOPLE. Not possessions. After all, if everyone’s gone - who do you sell stuff to? Who do you buy stuff from? Who builds things? Who harvests them? Who imagines? Etc.

The ICE is an evil

Depends if you think luxury and riches are necessarily and improvement to life. And while I would love to be debt free and all - I would not for the life of me want the curse of her riches and infamy.

That movie was the first and last time my imagination and the storytelling of the movie medium transcended what was on the screen. I’ve never experienced anything like that before or since. It’s hard to describe but in the late 90s as a kid in his early 20s the idea of a guy trapped inside computer code was so unique

Oh wow... my little brother used to play this when we were kids. God that brings back memories.

Don’t think it’s worked very well for the catholic clergy and well... y’know MOST of Christianity. It’s almost a cliche when the Pastor bangs the sunday school teacher and gets caught in a scandal. LOL

Haven’t bought from them before, but now I’m really reluctant to..

Having been part of a fundamentalist cult for 1/3 of my life - I can attest that the more you try to restrict and suppress human sexuality - the more you GUARANTEE it’ll come back out raging and pissed off.

In short - orthodoxy does nothing to prevent sexual impropriety, assault or rape. In fact - it pretty much

While it should be possible to go 6 months without - it absolutely IS a need. Physical contact is one of the most basic human need, and sexual intimacy is a strong subset of that. Not every human being needs it to the same degree, and some people are born without a sex drive (see Eunuchs and other similar non sexual

Easy to say - much harder to do. There’s truth to the old saying “Absence makes the heart go wander’ Sex is a human need, and without wifey around - it gets even harder. ESPECIALLY when you’re spending oodles of time with someone you’re attracted to.

Sorry bud - but I’d suck up the 5 grand and get the fuck out of there

So how does this work? I buy a copy of the switch version of BOTW and pop it into my PC? Do I still need a Switch?