
Frankly - the current social justice climate really smacks of cult like behavior. If you DARE question the status quo you’ll get shit on SO fast.
I also find it disturbing how english is getting rewritten to reprogram people. Terms like “I’m woke!” sounds extremely cultish. And lest I get the shitter pointed at me,

I love how one cult I was in - if you asked why someone left, their only answer was “Sin” . LOL Like that should be enough. And for those who want to stay - you DONT ask questions.

Hah. Fortunately I live where if it snows it’s a major event. Not ALL of Canada is covered in snow all winter long, and even in places where it DOES snow regularly, say Calgary - It’s unusual if you get more than a foot of snowfall all in one dump.

I think cults are far more broader than people think. It doesn’t always necessarily have to have a leader per se. It just requires that everyone agrees to the same behavior, and anyone who steps outside of the group think/behavior becomes shamed, reviled, and manipulated until they get back in line.

Simply put - cults

Hey - what about Canada? Oh - it’s ok ‘cuz we’re just the great white north! ;)

Unfortunately 20 years ago we were alot less sensitive about the issue than we are now. The internet has definitely raised our social awareness about things. In cases like this - it’s a good thing, he’s aware, and hopefully he’s since stopped doing it. If he hasn’t, hopefully he will now.

I loved this game, but locking the story behind how “moral” my playing was.... Eff off. I’m not keen on that.

Thank you for telling such a human story. Sometimes we get so lost in the anger and injustice. It helps to know that sometimes they’re just... lost and ignorant of the pain they cause. Perhaps they’re just victims of their own delusions. :(

Yep - dis be why I’m avoiding ANY Star Wars trailers and shutting people down when they even bring it. Hell I skimmed this article for fear of seeing anything that might ruin the movie for me.

Oh you’re one of those... Completely missed my point. Read my post a little more closely. I never said the government lied about the holocaust.

And people who assume that are precisely the problem.

Better than wet hole I suppose

Being Canadian, this is hilarious... kind of like art imitating life. We have a massive housing shortage in our major cities...

God I love those screen shots... gimme some pixellated 90s anytime....

I’ll preface saying I believe the Holocaust happened but let’s be frank - people have been massively lied to by their government, their religious leaders and their social leaders - do you really think it’s that hard to believe that after being lied to by so many people, for so long - it’s really all that hard to

I found Half Life to be an utterly boring disapointment. The only game I liked on that “Box” was Portal

Ditto, I get bored or busy and come back later when I’m not so bored or busy. LOL

This isn’t really about science. If it were you could say as soon as those cells started duplicating - it’s alive. However the great debate has always been about when sentience begins. How do you demonstrate that within the womb? It’s purely a philosophical exercise. So for me, it’s at first breath.

If only it was $200 in Canadian dollars...

If only it was $200 in Canadian dollars...

Oh fuck here we go with the racism shit. Look - it’s simple as this; Guy #1 thought he liked a certain type and discovered he likes something different. Everyone else is reacting badly and it’s fucking with his mind. It has nothing to do with racism.

Secondly - My wife and I laugh about how we didn’t end up with our