
I don’t get it... America (I’m Canadian) teaches separation of Church and state and then without batting an eye - passes laws DEEPLY entrenched in morality which is rooted in religious dogma. It completely baffles me.

FWIW I believe life begins at first breath. It ain’t breathing oxygen? It ain’t alive.

I built a new 7600k this past weekend. At first I’m kicking myself in the ass and then... well... if you’re a gamer - the real pay off is GPU, CPU performance matters a bit, but not NEARLY as much as GPU. I wouldn’t sweat it too much.

Apple’s been ripping other people’s ideas for YEARS LOL

There’s alot of unanswered questions though and the official narrative fails to answer alot of those questions. In addition, there’s alot of mistrust in the public for politicians and media. You got to admit - we get ALOT of propaganda and it’s difficult to know what is true.

Meh, hit me up when they finally make a Dark Forces, none of this tired old multiplayer battle shit that’s just another Battlefield game with pretty graphics and gimmicks.

Only if he intended to write his own Bible.

Yes... My favorite is the verse where even God thinks they’re full of hot air.

Matthew 6:7 “And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.”

LOL A holy - SHUT THE FUCK UP! lol

Well... Fact is everyone IS thinking about this, so saying “thoughts and prayers are with you...” is kind of like saying “Coffee is hot, tea is hot...” Yeah so... who the fuck cares.

They’re just talking to be seen talking.

PS Play is probably the closest it comes to that method, but I agree. Just as with Spotify and Netflix - people no longer feel the need to OWN content. Why should they? Some of these things only have limited entertainment value. How often do you REALLY replay things? At least if you rent, or pay a flat fee for access

Yep. I say piracy is a service issue. If you can’t fucking meet the needs of your customer, why SHOULD they pay you?!

You’re right... No one is ever entirely evil, nor entirely good. Although damn, some of that shit is pretty horrific.

Wish they still did.

I feel like I’ve fallen into an alice and wonderland world where down is up....

Or maybe all the fuss about global warming is total bullshit?

I just wish RE would make a game that FELT like the movies made me feel when watching them. I loved the fights and the kick ass martial arts and shit. But the movies and games are worlds apart from each other as you can get but still being in the same basic “universe”

Wow... judgmental much?

I always figured they just brought some bad ju ju back from the spiritual realm they never should have fucked with.

It makes sense - anything that cold burns like fire.

Had high hopes for the first one... Fool me once, shame on you... Ain’t fooling me again. They can market it all they want - I’ll never touch a battlefront game ever again.

Our culture - not just gaming, but western culture as a whole, has become SO negative. How could we not? The very media we consume is often bombastic to create explosive headlines, underlining every possible negative thing life might have to offer. If it’s not politics, it’s social justice, or environmentalism, or