
And young fella with older lady... One thing you’ll find as you get older and mature sexually is the realization that it’s no big deal. You need to eat, you need to brush your teeth, and hey - you need to pee and take a shit.

Ditto to sex. Humanity is expressly sexual, and the more people accept that, the fewer hangups

Virgin-Man; Dollars to donuts was probably raised religious. And they raise the status of sexual interaction to pretty much mythological and holy. It’s total horse shit. While sexual intimacy IS precious; it’s nowhere near the unicorn that religion makes it appear.

Go smoke a bowl or have a couple drinks and give it a

The whole argument of piracy=stealing is based on mercantile economics. Where everything is a 1:1 transaction. It completely ignores that there are BETTER ways to GROW money. Not every transaction is really 1:1. Ideas, and digital content can actually PROLIFERATE and grow. People really need to get out of the entire

Ugh I still have this bound piece of toilet paper. Gamefaqs was more helpful than this tripe.

I’m saying there are better ways to do it than an end credits scroll. But then - it wouldn’t even MATTER as most people would leave but - wait - there’s a 30 second clip after that MIGHT be worth sitting through this. LOL

This is EXACTLY why I think we should ban clothes! ;)

Even though that’s badly worded, it probably could.

The problem is - the person who wants to sexually assault someone isn’t really all that right in the head. They don’t want sex, they don’t want sexual pleasure, they want sexual humiliation and violence.

All the wanking in the world won’t cure that, I’m afraid.

It’s the internet. Alot of people are just bored and are trying to get me riled up. why they think I should give a hairy fuck that some strangers think I’m an asshole... <shrug>

Thanks for the kind words though. That’s about as rare as it gets on the ‘net.

Ugh - thank you for that, I have saved 2 or more hours of my life. I will forever be grateful to you for that.

sigh. I’m not that angry. I find it irritating, like I said, but I’m not ANGRRRRRRY like the hulk about it. LOL I guess my rant got too ranty, even my good friend said I sounded really angry.

It sure seems that way. Especially if you order stuff online. OMG

PS. And TBH - it’s not really the end credits stuff that bug me so much as the 30 mins of crap at the beginning of the movie. If they didn’t have that - I doubt I’d be so irritated by the whole thing.

Not really. Everyone’s different. I don’t care to watch it, but I have no problem with other people who do. <shrug> Free country and all.

Yep same here. And the only reason I say “In Canada” is because I can’t definitively say what the prices are in America - the last time I went to a theater there was... 2010?

And I’ve never been to the UK so I can’t speak for them. Ditto to Africa, Indonesia, China, Japan... shall I go on?

I’m with you though - I prefer

Because there are the rare FEW movies I really want to see on the big screen. Not to mention I also have a 6 year old who likes seeing movies too. It’s my pet peeve - they don’t have to make sense. I’m sure yours are about as infuriating as mine. LOL

Visited Ontario back in 2005. Asked for a Big Rock beer and god the looks I got from people. Sorry man, I really DONT like your province. I mean liquor stores that close at 5? And now they want ONLY the LCBO to sell cannabis? Jesus - someone there needs to unclench a little.

Depends, if you want the fake stuff like Aunt Jemima, it only costs one beaver pelt. If you want the REAL stuff that comes out of a tree - that’ll cost you a moosehead and 2 beaver pelts.

Good - my daughter loves going there and I’d be pretty upset to see this place go. Amazon is great, so is Wal Mart, but there’s nothing quite like going to a TOY store specifically selling toys. Especially when you’re a kid.

Here in Canada you can pay upwards to almost 20 dollars to see a movie depending on the ticket you buy. MINIMUM 10 bucks. Then you got your food and drinks which for just ONE person is around 10 bucks. So lets say at a bare minimum you’ve now spent 20 bucks on a movie. Wait! That’s not enough revenue for the theater!

I walk out every time when the credits roll. Don’t even DARE fucking attempt to hold me hostage for more content when you fucking shove commercials and trailers in my face for 30-45 mins before rolling the goddamn movie.

Walking out during the credits is the only FUCK YOU I get so...

And seriously - who wants to sit