
And I thought people who didn’t pick up after their dogs were crappy. Is she even picking up her shit leavings?

Cuz the back of my shirt is flat, the front of my shirt is NOT. :P

Apple has never been known to be very user friendly. If something breaks, software or hardware, they don’t make it easy to fix.

Oh great. Wonderful.

Oh. I saw the ending but didn’t clue in that he had died. Well that’s just fucking stupid.

Would rather build a nice PC....

So this sounds like it’s limited to America?

Perhaps it’s considered a failure because those who want to have an open relationship still want maintain a long term commitment to their primary spouse, and once the “Open” part has been unlocked... The primary spouse leaves the relationship with her new partner.

It may not be seen as a failure on the part of

FWB: One book I read, i wish I could remember the title or author... wrote “They don’t call it making love cuz you’re just picking daisies” Or words to that effect. Translation: If you have enough sex, emotional intimacy WILL develop and well... people will develop a bond.

YOU may be able to stay detached, but I don’t

Hmm maybe I should check it out. Ain’t any decent strip joints in my city which is a real crying shame. I really hate the moral panty police in North America. Stripping isn’t the problem, the puritanical moral bullshit IS. It drives adult entertainment into the underground and creates that high risk that really

I still have my trackman. Whenever my mouse hand gets crampy - I take a break and use it. Works fine for CAD work.

Fuck that - I won’t use that piece of shit

Look at this way. How would you like it if SHE were a HE instead? And HE was attracted to you and you’re straight? Same diff. Don’t make a bigger deal out of it than that.

Be nice to have subs. Not all of us hear perfectly

So many variations in english language from country to country. Even in my own country (Canada) we have variations in our linguistics depending on what region you’re in.

Still - I can’t get over how Africans call their traffic lights “robots”. So bizzare.

Awesome - I just say “I don’t want to join your cult, thanks!” LOL

Had a similar situation with a humble bundle a couple weeks ago. All these games were supposed to be playable on PS4. Nope - half the bundle was for PS3... really MOST of the bundle was PS3 only - I think only 2 or 3 games were PS4.

That was the 2K Bundle. :P

You’re surprised justice can’t be bought in America? It’s the land of Opportunity!

This is why I think religion is total horse shit and people who point at Sally Ann and other “organizations” saying “Look at all the good religion does!”

Look at Afghanistan, the Crusades, or even Calvanism’s Geneva when it ruled the populace with it’s theocracy. Religion is the greatest evil bar NONE to mankind.

Do you yell Get off My Lawn! in your downtime?