
Exactly - I don’t play games in order to be an art critic. LOL

America has long since lost it’s credibility as a capitalist country. The rich run America, the banks set the rules and the corporations pull the government’s strings. Justice must be bought with high priced lawyers, and the market is manipulated by those in power.

It’s been a very very long time since the “American

When nature calls - you answer... or something like that.

I loved the game and the mechanics - but yeah - the ending just never sat well with me.

Should’ve been smoking a dab... not “dabbing”

Blame the cult of social justice - everyone’s angry all the time these days. Really sad.

They really are entrenched in the 80s. They never really innovate much, they just put a new spin on the same old product. Albeit they’re virtuosos at that, these niggling shit spoilers like ONE save slot really spoil it.

Move to Canada lady, Australia is a cess pit of holier than thou politicians who think their moral bullshittery should be imposed on the populace

Money buys everything these days. Even “right and wrong”. Welcome to the modern feudal society.

It’s a literary device called ironic voice. He’s sharing his love for his child and gaming by the pains he suffers to give that to him.

This right there... I was genuine interested in getting this game with all the rave reviews - but I fucking hate terrible save mechanics. It’s goddamn 2017 people, not 1987. You SHOULD be able to keep more than one save game and you SHOULDNT be relying solely on checkpoint saves.

It’s NOT rocket science! Hell it’s

Let me guess - Zelda doesn’t allow multiple saves? That’s some rage quitting shit right there.

Sounds like onset of dementia...

It’s ridiculous - this has been a known flaw in network architecture since the 90s when it first started cropping up. It’s time we have a real solution to this.

Eh - makes no diff to me. I don’t get subtitles until the next day usually anyways. :(

I totally agree... and comments like “fucking casuals” is crap. Those fucking casuals is what keeps supporting your fucking game.

I LOL’d. These were totally unsecured and unstable platforms to place your art... Maybe that was art too?

Jillian isn’t exactly a beacon of righteousness either.

truly. My grandfather destroyed his back with prednisone and died an incredibly painful death as his spinal cord dissolved completely. I can’t understand why we even have an FDA when snake oil would probably be preferable to half the shit out there.

Totally agree. I loved being able to “mix and match” my skills. :(