
A little bit o’ FFXV and a little bit o’ Rise o’ The Tomb Raider now they finally have it down a decent price on Steam!

Does it really matter what gender they are? I’ve met batshit crazy women who are hard core anti-abortion. And there’s a hell of alot of ‘em in Texas.

Speaking of bad UI... Kinja needs to fix this shit. Nothing drives me crazier than clicking this on the bottom and having EVERYTHING collapsed and brought to the top again. How fucking unintuitive is that?!

I think they probably parceled out the game to too many different groups. It’s the old adage of too many cooks in the kitchen, that’s likely why it’s so sloppy and inconsistent.

Sanderson is pretty explosive though... Best Fantasy writer out there IMHO

Yep. I just think changing only for the purpose of bagging a chick is a recipe for disaster. You WILL go back to being yourself if you’re doing it only for that reason.

I like weed like anyone else, but dude, you need to lay off for a while.

Wouldn’t it have taken some time to unbolt it off the table? How does this happen without anyone noticing?!

Yep FFX post game was horrible for that crap. The amount of work you had to do to prep just for fighting dark aeons was extended because of that random crap. A pox on the assholes that come up with that shit.

Like this advice a hell of alot more than the Dr’s. Sorry Dr.

Bae? Really?

About the “youre a nice guy but..” Fuck ‘em.. You don’t really need to change for anyone. In fact if you’re changing just to get a girl, you’re doing it wrong. Change because you personally WANT a change to your life - GREAT. But changing just to bag some chick? Is the stupidest advice I’ve ever heard.

If you’re

Those are there, i’m sure you’re being sarcastic but I’ll respond anyways, to stop drivers from falling asleep and crossing the line. The rumble strips wake em up and tell them to get their damn head straight.

What was the new project? Those bumps?

It helps that life is fairly consistent too. The number of things her cane could come in contact with at a corner is pretty limited. As a deaf person, I carry conversations by predicting the possible branches it might go, I look for keywords, gestures, and am conscious of popular current topics where I live.

I tried wearing a mask this winter... hated it. Felt like I was suffocating and only breathing carbon dioxide. Ugh. How did this become a frigging TREND?

The politically foaming at the mouth crazies on both sides of the aisles bear a striking resemblance to foaming at the mouth christians who rage about the nation’s moral corruption.

Guess all ideological extremes causes rabies.

Another damn video.

Oh fuck this guy, along with Tricky dick. Ugh.

I don’t care about VR Games, but THIS kind of thing. THIS is something I’d be interested in. WOW!