
TBH Storywise BS does a better job. BD does this thing halfway through the game where it basically recycles the game over and over again, just with added difficulty every goddamn time.

It was lucky I wasn’t working at the time or I would’ve ditched the game the second cycle around. I wouldn’t blame someone else for

Oh no worries. I DID get a new job, BD kept me from losing my mind during the search, thank God.

People pay for what they perceive as valuable. Guess they didn’t think it was valuable.

I couldn’t point at any one thing. Mind you, I was out of work for 2 months when I played Bravely Default so I was more invested in it back then. I just got bored of Bravely Second really easily. I’ve put in far less time in it (BD: 150 hours to BS: 80+)

Who is “you guys”? Cuz I ain’t “you guys”. I’m neither left nor right, I have a matrix of core beliefs and ethics like anyone else but if I were American - I’d be up shit creek. I could not, in good conscience, support either goddamn party.

Probably FFXV sprinkled with some Bravely SEcond which I’m nearly finished... finally. I keep putting BS down and coming back to it in fits and starts. It’s SO boring this time around. The first one I put over a hundred hours into, this one just bores me to tears.

Yes - it does. I ignore and unfollow all political shit - I’m so done with it.

ME1 is brief and forgettable, but ME2 and ME3 (especially ME3) is where the series really shines.

LOVED LOVED LOVED Voyager, but DS9? Ugh. A show about watching paint dry on the hull of a ship that never goes anywhere....

GameStop is the next Future Shop. they pulled this shit and see where they are now?

Edge cases? Why yes they are, After all, your membership card SAYS Edge on it so I guess ALL your “Edge” customers are getting “edged” out.

At USB 3.0 you would be getting near SATA speeds so... there’s really no speed loss anymore.

I bought an internal too, but you can still run out of space pretty damn fast. Having a fullsize desktop drive externally attached which can be FAR bigger than a dinky laptop drive is a huge frigging asset.

I actually like this. It gives FFXV a living breathing feel. Like the world is very much alive. I don’t mind at all

Depends - I don’t mind getting scared, but gross out? Fuck off.

There was the movie... Drag me to Hell, I think, where some dead chick comes back for revenge on the douche bros who raped and killed her.

I fucking hate rapists, but the scene where a guy basically gets hung over a bathtub of acid and struggles to keep

LOL When you create a system that penalizes your workers for providing them with the product they ask for - you done fucked up sonny, and I don’t care what name you give it - it’s bullshit and not how you run a business.

Wanna get Portal of a Thousand Worlds but there’s no Audible copy... Ugh.

If I came back 4 times to exchange broken shit - I wouldn’t be coming back again... EVER.

that’s insane. I almost NEVER buy pre-owned. Why? 5 bucks off the price of a new one? Are you kidding me? I’ll pay 5 for a brand new copy thanks. Unless you give me a pre-owned price, I’m not paying damn near full price for a used product.

I did it on my Vita, and if you have all the lights off in the room and relax - you’ll notice out of the corner of your eye on the bottom right of the screen, it slowly glows a little more just before lightning strikes...

also, there’s a tempo to it, so once you get the rythymn down - it’s pretty easy after that.