
pretty cool when a young star pops on a big stage and the old internet presence is juggling/dog tweets instead of the n-word and gay slurs.

People were throwing their things on the ground...”

I only heard it once but not to me.

Lol Im 40, my dad is 60. Weve played pretty much all of the lego games. When its xmas or bday time. I go buy legos for dad.

For many players a World Cup Goal will be their ONLY World Cup Goal. I encourage them to celebrate each and every one. 

Abby says men don’t get told to not celebrate after scoring. She’s clearly never heard of The Cardinal Way.

Draymond will punch Drake back to his wheelchair Jimmy days

I feel like the show-runners are intent on cramming too many injuries into too few games. Plus, Durant’s heel-turn and bounce-back happened really fast, felt rushed to me. They could have paced this out over more games and it would have worked better.

Can someone please explain why Toronto doesn’t advance the ball and call a timeout on their last possession? They had around 15 seconds on the clock so it would take, what, 3 seconds to get over half-court? Why not bang a TO and draw up a play?

Of all the weird things that happened in this game (and there were many!) can we talk about the two minutes after KD exited where everyone on both teams was slouching around the court in this sad dreamlike state except Boogie, who went full Mario Kart rainbow mode and scored seven quick and Shaq-like points before

It’s basically been a wet dream since Cohan sold.

Whichever gets her more attention.

When you win a series on 4 bounces against the Sixers. Then don’t panic down 0-2 and win 4 straight against the Bucks. Its their year and they’re playing incredible basketball at the perfect time. As a Warriors fan I’d be losing my shit if this was the Houston Rockets doing this. However the Raptors team are so

My friend and I were talking about this, and we get a certain 04 Pistons vibe out of this series, with how the central division team is tearing apart the heretofore invincible California team that wears yellow/gold and is having a lot of crap going on outside of the gym, and would have already won the series if not

A lifetime ban isn’t happening, but it looks like the team will force him to sell his shares. Anybody got 75 -125 million I can hold?

Maybe you should update the title of this article to reflect the fact that this asshole did indeed get just punishment for disrespecting Lowry.

I am a Warriors superfan and I say fuck this guy. He should be banned for life and forced to sell his interest in the team. What a complete piece of shit.

We’ve literally reached the Box and One is a legitimate defense because why the fuck not stage of the playoffs. I love this game!

“If you build it, they will cum.”

so don’t lump us in with yourselves. so far, you jackoffs haven’t let us run a damn thing