
“But I’m your step-aunt” 

Your inability to travel plan, is not anybody else’s problem.

The Night Vale podcasts are almost uniformly excellent. Gimlet also has some pretty good scripted shows. I believe they are all pretty popular. 

Everything old is new again. I used to listen to old radio show rebroadcasts with my grandmother. I could see “radio” dramas being a new way to cheaply produce novel content. The aime/manga market has done it for years. I barely actually “watch” YouTube or Netflix, I keep them in background tabs while gaming or doing

I’m with the reviewer, so this is helpful. thnx

That’s exactly it. Lavinia even said as much!

Wasn’t Dylan McDermott’s character a reference to THE HITCHER? 

I can’t believe I’m explaining a part of the Murphy/Falchuk logic, but Molly wrote in her review: “While it makes sense that little Bobby’s spirit isn’t hanging around (whether by the rules that govern those who die younger than ten, or by more Casper-esc, no unfinished business laws of the afterlife), where are

Enjoy them while they’re allowed.

Not only is this guy a complete and total shithead...this situation has me rooting for the <looks around....whispers> the Nationals.

What I really love here is that people who drive Uber and Lyft are just now waking up and realizing that this isn’t an original idea, and maybe soon see that the industry that existed prior to this one (taxi cabs) was actually better in so many ways, but it wasn’t a puffed up con artist with hipster glasses and a

You can use data and science. I’m going to use my illusion.

Oh look, everybody, it’s the great Boomer Man! Here to complain about how kids these days are always on their cellphones and never interact with other people!

Michelle from back east, I know her too!

this isn’t pulse. it’s more like the ring. the book was pretty good.

Fun Fact:  the Niners’ 5 turnovers was 1 fewer than the 6 they had in a game some remember from their past.  Took place on Jan 10, ‘82.

“Antonio needs help, from his agent, from his manager, from his loved ones, from his doctors, and he’s not getting it.”

Cats are better than puppies or dogs.

I gotta say, a lease for a “family car” is unwise. My wife put 20K on her minivan every year when our kids were young, between her and the kids’ daily needs and because we drove it when we were traveling together.  That racks up miles.

“The wife wants a bigger SUV type vehicle”